Chapter 1299

Chu Mingzhu fixed her eyes on Feng Qingge tightly, and let out a vague cry for help from her throat.

"Hey, Chu Mingzhu, what do you want to do? Don't come near my lady."

Seeing Chu Mingzhu wanted to get close to Feng Qingge.

Lu'er immediately opened her arms angrily, protecting her young lady behind her, and shouted at Chu Mingzhu.

"Please, please..."

Chu Mingzhu continued to roll her eyes, begging Feng Qingge vaguely.

At this moment...

She was so regretful that her intestines were green.

Never should, never should, why did she provoke this Feng Qingge?

Thinking about it now, I actually want to risk my life.

In Chu Mingzhu's eyes, tears fell uncontrollably.

In the gazebo, I met Chu Mingzhu's pleading eyes.

A cold look flashed across Feng Qingge's face hidden under the veil.

Playing with a piece of candy in his hand.

Feng Qingge raised her head with a smile that was not a smile, and stared at Chu Mingzhu, whose eyes were red from crying.

Self-inflicted can't live...

"Hey, Feng Qingge, you ugly monster, what do you want to do?"

As soon as they met Shang Feng Qingge's murderous gaze, the group of noble ladies immediately became vigilant.

One by one "hula" all of a sudden, they all gathered around Chu Mingzhu, looking at Feng Qingge with hostility.

"Ugly, what are you looking at?"

"Miss Ben warns you, if something happens to sister Mingzhu, you will definitely be overwhelmed."

"That's right. Sister Mingzhu is a member of the dignified Chu family. If you offend the Chu family, with your low life, can you afford it?"

Those noble ladies pointed at Feng Qingge's nose one by one, and yelled curses from their mouths.

Those deafening shouts and curses immediately covered up Chu Mingzhu's very faint cry for help.

Chu Mingzhu stared at her surroundings with an expression of embarrassment and anger, these fools who pretended to be smart.


These idiots!idiot!
At this moment, the anxious eyes were about to spurt blood.

"Help, please...please... woo woo woo."

Chu Mingzhu grabbed her neck with her hand, exhausted all her strength, and wailed intermittently towards Feng Qingge.

"Hey, are all of you blind? She came here by herself, so what's the matter with our young lady?"

Lu'er looked at the noble ladies in front of her, with a small face, and said indignantly.

At the time when Lu'er and those noble ladies were confronting each other and were refusing to give in.

Feng Qingge suddenly stood up from the gazebo, and walked towards Chu Mingzhu with cold eyes.

"Step aside."

Arriving in front of Chu Mingzhu with strides, Feng Qingge said coldly to the group of noble girls who stood in the way.

Seeing this, the noble ladies quit immediately one by one.

With his nose raised to the sky, he yelled at Feng Qingge with a furious expression.

"Ugly, who do you think you are? Why do you let Miss Ben get out of the way?"

"Yes, yes. Let me tell you, if you dare to touch a single hair of sister Mingzhu, I will complain to the imperial concubine."

"Feng Qingge, don't act recklessly. Be careful and we will tell the emperor and empress."

"If you don't want to watch Chu Mingzhu die, then get out of the way immediately."

Directly ignore the threats and warnings on the other side.

Feng Qingge stared at Chu Mingzhu coldly and sharply, and dropped these words coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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