Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 1373 Stare

Chapter 1373 Stare

This idea just popped up in Yun Linghan's mind.

It immediately turned into an inexplicable joy, which quickly spread to his whole body.

Yun Linghan leaned forward from his seat, staring at Feng Qingge with his eyes unblinkingly, carefully studying her every move.

With a focused expression, a pair of eyes are as deep as an unfathomable vortex, so mysterious and seductive that people are reluctant to look away.

In the chair, when I felt the scorching gaze from the opposite side.

Feng Qingge paused as she raised her wine glass.

Then he opened his eyes wide, and stared back at Yun Linghan without showing any weakness.

Take a look, what's there to see?

Didn't this man enjoy listening to the music just now?

"Bastard, bastard."

Feng Qingge tightly squeezed the cup in her hand, and whispered to herself with a displeased face.

"Miss, what are you looking at?"

Lu'er asked Feng Qingge with a puzzled face.

"It's nothing."

Feng Qingge dropped these words coldly.

Not to be outdone, a pair of eyes stared back at Yun Linghan, almost sore.

"Ha ha."

Yun Linghan let out a series of low-pitched laughter from his throat.

Just like this, he met Feng Qingge's extremely angry eyes, and let her look at him without dodging or avoiding.

Stare at you, I stare at...

Continue to stare.

When Feng Qingge saw this, the smell of alcohol rose in her stomach.As soon as my head became hot, I simply got involved with him.

Under the melodious and melodious piano sound, the gazes of Yun Linghan and Feng Qingge intertwined over the imperial garden, making invisible "cracking" electric sparks.

Feng Qingge's small face hidden under the veil was full of anger and displeasure.

However, Yun Linghan raised the corners of his lips high, and a smile slowly flowed from the bottom of his eyes.


Qingge's jealous look obviously pleased him.

For the first time in Yun Linghan's heart, a thought to tease her flashed across her mind.

in the dark.

When Zuo Fei, who was hiding behind the big tree and was in charge of guarding, saw this, the corners of their mouths twitched involuntarily.

Looking at the evil and charming smile on the corner of his prince's lips.

The four of Zuo Fei howled silently towards the sky.

my lord...

Do you know how lethal it is when you laugh?
Also, is it really okay for you to discharge electricity towards the future princess in such a grand manner in front of the public?
Sure enough, in the entire imperial garden.

When he saw His Highness King Han, there was an evil and elegant smile on his lips.All the noble ladies in the audience were dumbfounded.

Several deliberately suppressed screams sounded one after another from the crowd.

All the noble ladies opened their eyes wide with excitement, and the smiles on their faces were as nympho as they could be.

on the high platform.

Feng Jinning's fingers caressed a series of smooth sounds on the guqin, and the song ended.

Feng Jinning showed an elegant smile on her face, and stood up from the ground in a decent manner.

"Ning'er made an ugly show, please accept it with His Highness King Han."

Feng Jinning's voice was so sweet that she almost squeezed out water.

As soon as he spoke, his eyes were full of hope and looked at Yun Linghan, waiting for him to speak and praise.

As soon as he heard Feng Jinning's piano sound, it fell.

Feng Qingge regained consciousness as soon as her head cleared up.

He glared fiercely at Yun Linghan, then withdrew his gaze, and continued to drink on his own.

When Yun Linghan saw this, the original arc of the corners of his lips froze.

A pair of brows were tightly frowned, and a look of displeasure quickly flashed across his handsome face.

(End of this chapter)

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