Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 1434 Give her a big gift

Chapter 1434 Give Her a Gift

Inside the dilapidated house, the two doors closed again with a "snap".

With a flash of Feng Qingge's figure, she had already returned to the big tree just now.

"Feng Jinning, since you miss me so much, then I will give you a big gift."

As Feng Qingge spoke, a sneer sneered on the corner of her lips.

In a pair of clear eyes, a murderous intent flashed quickly.

She deliberately set a trap for her to jump, didn't she?
Did she bribe these people to destroy her innocence and plan to rape her first and then kill her?
Well, then she will use her own way to treat her body.

Let Feng Jinning taste what it means to be self-inflicted.

While Feng Qingge was thinking, her beautiful face was full of murderous intent.

The powder she ignited just now is a highly poisonous and emotionally wounded product specially made by her in her previous life.

Burning love, heartbroken...

The reason why this kind of powder is called highly poisonous is because as long as it is poisoned by Qingshang, there is no antidote at all, and the poison can only be relieved temporarily through the relationship between men and women.

But this relief is only temporary, and every time it is resolved, it will only aggravate the poisoning situation.

In this case, the poisoned can only keep making peace with each other until they finally die.

As for what she stuffed into the mouths of those big men before she left, it was just a tonic that could replenish physical strength temporarily, and it was not poisonous.

Thinking of this, Feng Qingge looked coldly at the room below.

Just before she entered the house, she saw a petite figure running out of the yard quickly.

Presumably that person was the little maid who had led her the way earlier.

He purposely stayed in the yard to report to Feng Jinning after the matter was completed.

Once she heard that she had fallen into a trap, Feng Jinning would not wait to come to find out in person.

By the time…

She can only reap the consequences.

Counting the time now, it must be time for Feng Jinning to come.

"Third sister, don't let me down. Otherwise, I will have prepared this great gift for you in vain."

Feng Qingge looked up at the sky, and said in a cold voice.

After the words fell, he sat cross-legged from the big tree, closed his eyes and concentrated on practicing.



at the same time.

In a remote and deserted corner, Feng Jinning immediately stood up with joy when she heard the little maid's reply.

"You read that right? That bitch Feng Qingge really entered the house?"

"Yes, yes, this servant indeed saw with her own eyes that Miss Feng walked towards the house."

The little maid nodded quickly.

Looking at her face, it was the unfamiliar court lady who led Feng Qingge just now.

Seeing the joyful expression on Feng Jinning's face, the little maid quickly looked at her with a flattering expression, and opened her mouth to say.

"Miss Jin Ning, the servant has already finished the matter you told the servant. The benefits that Miss Jin Ning promised to the servant..."

"Take it and take it."

Upon hearing the urging from the little maid, Feng Jinning immediately waved to her impatiently.

He took out a bag of things from the storage ring and threw it to her, then opened his mouth and said.

She heard from what the court lady said just now that what she said was that she saw Feng Qingge walking towards the house.

As for whether to go in or not...

She still has to go and see for herself before she can rest assured.

"Okay, it's none of your business here, go down quickly. Remember, if a fourth person knows what happened today, Miss Ben will never forgive you."

Feng Jinning warned her seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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