Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 1454 Cleaned Up

Chapter 1454 Cleaned Up


Yun Linghan spit out a word from his mouth.

"Dark? Dark attribute?"

Feng Qingge opened her eyes wide in surprise, and repeated the sound quickly from her mouth.

A pair of beautiful little faces are full of disbelief.

"Yes. The special mutation attribute in me is darkness."

Yun Linghan nodded, and took a deep look at Feng Qingge in his arms.

For her shock, she did not show any surprise.

"Dark attribute, dark attribute, dark attribute...what is that for?"

Feng Qingge raised her head in doubt, and asked Yun Linghan.

She searched her entire mind, but couldn't find any records about the "dark" attribute.

Don't say you've seen it before...

From the beginning to the end, she had never even heard of the existence of the "dark" attribute.

Yun Linghan gently rubbed her hair, while patiently drying her hair, he explained in a low, mellow voice.

"On the Chiyan Continent, apart from the five attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and their respective variation attributes, there are also two very special attributes, light and darkness."

"The dark attribute, as the name suggests, can control everything in the dark, including hiding and ambush, mobilizing the aura of the dark attribute, and the dark attribute array. The opposite of the dark attribute is the light attribute."

When Yun Linghan said this, he took a deep look at Feng Qingge.

"If my guess is correct, the nirvana power in your body should be the spiritual power of the light attribute."

"The attribute of light? The power of Nirvana? You mean, besides the five attributes in my body, I also have the attribute of brightness?"

Feng Qingge repeated with a surprised expression, then quickly shook her head.

if so…

Why did the teacher never tell her about the light and dark attributes from the beginning to the end?

Yun Linghan shook his head with deep eyes and said.

"As for the mysterious power in your body, whether it is a matter of the Ming attribute, I am still not sure. Even if it is really the Ming attribute, it is far from awakening."

Since the first time he met Qingge, he had already seen that she had the destiny of Nirvana.

And because of that...

He would pretend to be a mercenary and silently guard Qingge's side.

"By the way, how do you know that I have the life of Nirvana in my body?"

Feng Qingge thought for a while, then suddenly came back to her senses, and looked at Yun Linghan with a puzzled expression.

Yun Linghan didn't answer her question.

Instead, he wrapped his hands around her waist and stood up suddenly from the pool.Stretching his long legs, he hugged her and strode toward the sleeping hall in stride.

Because the side hall and the sleeping hall are next to each other.

So along the way, the entire King Han's mansion was empty, not even a servant was seen.

Feng Qingge exclaimed from her mouth, and opened her mouth towards Yun Linghan.

"Yun Linghan, where are you taking me? Let me down quickly, do you hear me?"

Feng Qingge screamed from her mouth while struggling and twisting her body.

The corner of Yun Linghan's lips twitched, he lowered his head and opened his mouth towards Feng Qingge.

"It's cleaned up. Concubine Ai thinks, what does this king want to do now?"

"Washed clean?"

Feng Qingge was taken aback when she heard Yun Linghan's words.

After a long while, he finally realized belatedly that what he was referring to had been washed, and it was his clothes and hair.

Feng Qingge beat Yun Linghan's chest with both hands, and she felt like crying without tears.

(End of this chapter)

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