Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 1709 Arrogant Dude

Chapter 1709 Arrogant Dude

While the guy was talking, he didn't forget to glance at Leib and the others not far away.

The clothes on their bodies were just the most common style, which further strengthened the guy's thoughts.

"Hey. It really is a group of poor ghosts who have just arrived."

The man curled his lips quickly, and said to himself in a disdainful tone.

Looking at his arrogant expression, Yun Jingyan secretly smiled "hehehe".

Then pointing to the menu in front of him, he opened his mouth deliberately and rudely.

"Xiaoer, let's have a few jugs of good wine first, let the young man have a good drink."

"Sorry, this restaurant does not serve alcohol. If the guests want to drink, please go to the restaurant next door."

Hearing this, the guy frowned disdainfully, and once again confirmed his guess just now.

Where is the Crane Tea House for them?
This is an elegant place for literati and elegant guests to come and go.

The entire Crane Chaxuan does not provide any kind of wine, only tea and snacks.

He didn't even know this rule, so it can be concluded that these people in front of him are definitely a group of country bumpkins who have never seen the world.

As the guy thought about it, the expression on his face immediately became a little more smug.He directly ignored the invisible and noble temperament of Nangongyou and Yun Jingyan.

"What kind of broken place is this, there is no wine at all?"

Yun Jingyan curled his lips when he heard the words, and deliberately raised the volume and shouted loudly, his tone was full of deep dissatisfaction.

The movement here caused the surrounding guests to look sideways again.

Nangongyou narrowed his eyes, and came out with a smile on his face to smooth things over.

"Xiao Shisan, since there is no wine here, let's order a pot of tea."

While Nangongyou was talking, he took a glance at the tea list in front of him.

The cheapest price of these teas marked on it is hundreds of gold coins per pot, obviously relying on the signboard of He Cha Xuan to slaughter people.

Yun Jingyan also saw the tea list in front of him.

When he saw the price above clearly, his eyes widened instantly, and he smacked his lips in disbelief.

Hundreds of gold coins?
This is enough for an ordinary family to spend for a year, okay?

"I really don't know how much money that treasurer Jin pocketed behind Feng's family's back." Yun Jingyan muttered in a low voice.

Thinking of the ups and downs of this Crane Tea House, the joint Jin family and Feng Jin family have been greedy for so much money.

Yun Jingyan immediately let out a "chuss" in his heart, and a burst of anger surged up.

"Okay, then do as Brother Nangong said." Yun Jingyan nodded and said to Nangongyou.

Then he turned his head and opened his mouth towards the guy with a fierce expression.

"Hey, Xiaoer. Go and get the most expensive and best tea in your store. I want to treat you today."

"The most expensive and best tea? Guest officer, are you sure?"

Hearing this, the guy sneered disdainfully from his mouth, as if he heard some big joke.

The most expensive tea?Can he afford it?

Yun Jingyan was furious: "Why, do you think I can't afford to invite you?"

The guy rolled his eyelids lazily, and opened his mouth with contempt.

"Guest officials, you'd better look carefully before ordering. The most expensive golden leaf fine nectar tea in our Hechaxuan is priced at two thousand gold coins per pot. If you want to drink it, you can pay first."

The clerk stretched his hand forward, looked at Yun Jingyan with a sarcasm and said.

That look, as much as you need to be beaten.

(End of this chapter)

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