Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 1737 Battle against Jin Wudao

Chapter 1737 Battle against Jin Wudao

"Hey, little waste, there are still many things you can't think of."

With a "shua", Jin Wudao pulled out two huge copper hammers from his waist, and said to Feng Qingge with a sinister smile.

"Extreme spiritual weapon?" Seeing this, Feng Qingge raised her eyebrows again.

The Jin family is really generous.

In order to deal with him, he was even willing to take out the best spiritual weapon.

"Unfortunately, the strength is too poor." Feng Qingge pouted and added disdainfully.

As Feng Qingge's voice fell, there were gasps of air immediately outside the Hecha Pavilion.

A small half of them were top-quality spiritual weapons that shocked Jin Wudao.As for the rest, most of them were shocked by Yu Feng Qingge's crazy tone.

"My God...Miss Qingge's tone is so crazy."

Inside Fengmeng, a teenager sighed with an exaggerated expression.

"What do you know? Miss Qing Ge is called crazy capital, do you know that?" A young man next to him immediately added.

"Hey, that's right, that's right."


When the members of the Fengmeng League heard the words, they all nodded in agreement.

Sister Qingge is a cow, and she is crazy and arrogant enough to face the best spiritual weapons.

They like!

While thinking about it, all the teenagers raised their eyes and looked in the direction of Feng Qingge with admiration.

in their hearts...

Miss Qing Ge is simply their idol.

"Hmph, you speak wild words. You little waste, go to hell." Jin Wudao sneered from his mouth, and shouted with anger and laughter.

Wielding one of the copper hammers in his hand, he threw it at Feng Qingge's body.

He has already studied it just now, as long as his body does not touch Feng Qingge's weird golden cover, he will not be sucked out of his spiritual energy.

His pair of mother and son hammers are perfect for attacking.

"Phoenix Flash."

Feng Qingge scolded lightly, her feet flicked, and the person had disappeared in place.

Jin Wudao was stunned for a moment, and looked at the empty surroundings with some confusion.

In mid-air, the hammer lost its target and immediately spun around in mid-air.

"Damn it, where's that little trash?" Jin Wudao gritted his teeth with an ugly expression.

While thinking about it, I just felt that the golden copper hammer had fallen into Feng Qing's hand.

Feng Qingge snorted coldly, gripped the copper hammer horizontally, and smashed it directly at Jin Wudao's chest.

The huge copper hammer slammed into Jin Wudao's chest fiercely, Jin Wudao spat out a mouthful of blood and opened his eyes in disbelief.

"How is this possible?" Jin Wudao looked at the copper hammer in Feng Qing's singer, and exclaimed in surprise.

Feng Qingge had already let out a cold snort, and swung the copper hammer in his hand vigorously, pounding heavily on Jin Wudao's body.

Bang bang bang!
Bang bang bang bang!
A series of earth-shattering loud noises came from Jin Wudao.The shadow of the hammer that Feng Qingge swung was not fancy at all, it just hit Jin Wudao's chest with one hammer after another.

A copper hammer of nearly a hundred catties broke through Jin Wudao's defense and smashed on his ribs.Every time it hits it, it can directly break several ribs.

"Do not……"

Jin Wudao gulped out blood gushing out of his mouth under the tremendous force, and he barely wanted to raise another hammer to resist.

But with a "clang", I felt the palm of my hand go numb, and the hammer fell directly to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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