Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 1744 Long live the princess

Chapter 1744 Long live the princess
"Feng Qingge, what are you going to do? Don't come here, you can't kill the old man, do you hear me?"

Jin Wudao looked at Feng Qingge walking towards him, his eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost, and he shouted in horror.

He never even dreamed that this little trash would really be Concubine Han.

No, no, he doesn't want to die... doesn't want to die.

Moreover, he still died in the hands of a little trash. If he said it, where would he put Jin Wudao's face?

While thinking, Jin Wudao tried his best to move his body to escape.

But all the spiritual power in his whole body has been sucked away by Feng Qingge, and now his whole body is limp, and he can't even exert any strength, let alone resist.

Jin Wudao lay on the ground and screamed loudly: "You little trash, don't come here, don't come here."

"Hey, Jin Wudao, you really don't know how to repent when you are about to die."

Inside the Fengmeng League, one of the teenagers said fiercely.

This old man is about to die, but he is still yelling at Qing Ge's sister every little piece of trash, it's really stubborn.

"Jin Wudao, thank you very much. The Jin family, I accept it." Feng Qingge said to Jin Wudao, with a sneer on the corner of her lips.

Then a white light flashed in his hand, and the snow blade cut his throat sharply.

The exclamation in Jin Wudao's mouth stopped abruptly, his head tilted, and he lost his breath completely.

"Hmph, deserve it."

Lu'er looked at Jin Wudao's corpse on the ground, and said crisply.

Feng Qingge glanced at her with a smile, and patted her on the head.

"Long live the princess."

Outside the Crane Tea House, there was a sudden shout from the crowd.

Then that voice seemed to be contagious, cheering loudly wave after wave.

"Long live the princess! Long live the princess!"

"Concubine Han is simply too mighty and domineering."

"Miss Qingge, congratulations on becoming Concubine Han, congratulations to Concubine Wang."

In the whole crowd, cheers sounded one after another.Everyone looked at Feng Qingge with admiration, not to mention their admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

From a well-known trash to a noble concubine Han.

Miss Qingge's rise is so fast that it makes people dizzy.

At this moment, everyone in the audience regarded Feng Qingge as their idol.

What is counterattack?This is.

What is slapping in the face, blinding everyone's eyes all the way?
This is!
"Princess Wangfei, you are so awesome, we adore you so much."

"That's right, Madam Wangfei, we must emulate you, practice hard, and we will be able to counterattack in the future."

"My lord, you are really our role model."

"Hey, sister Qingge, congratulations on taking back the Feng family's shop." Yun Jingyan said to Feng Qingge with a smile.

The people of the Jin family occupied Feng's shop by force and refused to return it, it was shameless to the extreme.

"Tang Qi, Feng Ming, you guys go to the back to tidy up, sort out the remaining accounts and the number of people, and then take back Feng's shop."

Listening to the congratulations around her, Feng Qingge's smile deepened.

Then he turned his head and gave orders to Tang Qi and Feng Ming who were beside him.

"Yes, Miss Qingge."

Tang Qi and Feng Ming responded in unison.Then they took steps at the same time and hurried towards the direction of the backyard.

In the backyard, Leib just walked in with a few teenagers.

 Thank you for the reward again, Kiss Nimeng, Meng, and Mengxiaotu, so ^_^~

  Thank you little angels for your messages, monthly tickets and recommended tickets. Happy Ching Ming Festival everyone~~ (Something seems wrong, eh)
(End of this chapter)

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