Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 1812 Shocking the Spiritual Barrier

Chapter 1812 Shocking the Spiritual Barrier (2)

in a quiet room.

Feng Qingge sat on the spot with her eyes closed, and began to attack the barrier of the Lingzong.

Beside her, Feng Lao's translucent figure floated in mid-air, a pair of old eyes stared at Feng Qingge motionlessly, with a rare serious expression.

Feng Qingge looked inwardly at the meridians in her body, and guided that large wisp of spiritual power to flow through the meridians, large and small, and all flowed towards the dantian.

All those spiritual powers should be introduced into the dantian.Feng Qingge took a deep breath, guided the spiritual power, and slammed into the upper dantian fiercely.

There was a deafening bang.

In the dantian, amidst the huge impact, a thin crack appeared on the solid barrier.

Feng Qingge calmly controlled the spiritual power in her body, and kept hitting that barrier.

Boom boom boom!

A series of earth-shattering sounds continuously sounded from the depths of the dantian.

The thick spiritual power in the meridians, like a small boat in a storm, keeps hitting the rocks in front of it, and it dissipates quickly in just one stroke.

But after this continuous impact, the barrier in the dantian was also knocked open a small hole.The originally strong and unbreakable spiritual barrier also loosened a bit.

"Girl, hold on, don't give up halfway." Feng Lao's voice resounded clearly in my ears.

When Feng Qingge heard this, her exhausted spirit suddenly lifted.

"Understood, teacher." Feng Qingge said.

After the words fell, he once again channeled the spiritual power in the meridians of his whole body, and smashed it fiercely towards the top of the barrier.

When this violent force struck more than a dozen times, a series of crisp sounds suddenly came from the depths of the dantian.

On the invisible barrier, countless densely packed tiny cracks burst out, spreading outward rapidly, covering the entire surface of the barrier like a spider web.

"It's almost done."

Feng Qingge's eyes lit up, looking inside at Dantian, who was about to break through the bottleneck, and her voice was pleasantly surprised.

Just as the surprise in her heart arose, a muffled booming sound suddenly resounded through her body.

Feng Qingge was taken aback: "What happened?"

As Feng Qingge was in a daze, the muffled sound became louder and louder, as if it was echoing in the ears.

At the same time, Feng Qingge was surprised to find that the swirling energy cyclone in her body began to spin rapidly from the dantian like crazy.


Feng Qingge's heart tightened, and she cried out in surprise.

This mutated whirlwind of spiritual power was awakened unexpectedly at this moment, and began to spin like crazy.

The cyclone was spinning uncontrollably and fast, trying to destroy the meridians and dantian in her body.

Just when Feng Qingge was in a daze just now...

The rapidly spinning energy cyclone, like a tornado, swirled towards Feng Qingge's meridians.

Wherever the violent whirlwind went, the spiritual power in the large and small meridians were all smashed by the wind, and the entire meridian was in a mess.

"Girl, don't panic."

Feng Lao let out a deep shout, which resounded in Feng Qingge's mind at the right time, like a wake-up call, which made Feng Qingge tremble.

At the same time, Feng Lao's thumb and index finger bent, and flicked the Po Zong Pill towards Feng Qingge's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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