Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 1838 Demonstrating the efficacy of medicine in public

Chapter 1838 Demonstrating the efficacy of medicine in public
"Oh my god... Spiritual Sect. One day, I will break through the Rainbow Rank and become a Spiritual Sect warrior."

"Is this the feeling of a strong person? It's so cool and powerful."

"Hahaha, the spirit sect, it really feels like a spirit sect. Madam Wangfei, the effect of your Ascension Spirit Pill is really amazing, it can even allow people to break through directly. Hahahahaha... this is a genuine spirit sect feeling."

Feeling the strength in their bodies, the three big men grinned one by one, and kept giggling from their mouths.

The people in the surrounding crowd, seeing the effect of the pill after they took it, their envious eyes almost popped out.

"If you don't mind, let me show you the effect of the pill."

Feng Qingge smiled and opened her mouth to the nine people.

While speaking, Xiaofeng had already ordered the guards to carry over a dozen dummies and placed them in an open space opposite.

"I'll come first."

A big man who had directly stepped into the Lingzong level after taking the Shengling Pill stepped forward and was the first to volunteer.

While speaking, with a wave of his right hand, a Ben Lei Fist that contained a strong murderous aura was directly swung out.

The huge fist hit the dummy, making a deafening bang.

The dummy was hit by a fist, and the position of the chest and abdomen immediately sank down a large piece.

Everyone looked at the dummy with smacking tongues.

I saw a circle of traces scorched by thunder and lightning in the sunken place hit by the Ben Leiquan, and there were electric sparks of "呵啦,呵啦" on it.

"Damn it, the power of this Lingzong is cool."

The big man withdrew his fist, shook his fingers together, and let out a foul word from his mouth.

"It's my turn." Another big man behind him said impatiently.

While speaking, the person has turned into an afterimage, running towards the pile of dummies at lightning speed.

Among the dozen or so dummies, the big man shuttled back and forth continuously, at such a fast speed that one could hardly see his figure clearly.

While the big man flicked rapidly, ten fingers flicked something outward.

In the blink of an eye, he had already returned to the original place.It looked like what happened just now never happened.

Bang bang bang!
As his feet fell to the ground, there was an earth-shattering loud noise, and in the open space where the dummies were placed, the dozens of dummies fell to the ground at the same time.

At the same time, a layer of white frost quickly formed on the dummy, and as the dummy fell to the ground, the frost shattered, and a dozen of the dummy all shattered into ice slag.

"Hey, is it finally our turn?"

The remaining three big men who had taken the God-Returning Pill shouted and pushed the previous two people away, and took a big stride to walk in front of the remaining three dummies.

They didn't use any fancy moves at all, they just punched and punched the dummy firmly.

With the punch after punch, the spiritual power consumed was continuously replenished under the action of the god-returning pill.

This kind of spiritual power seemed to be endless, which made them feel free to punch and punch, not to mention how comfortable they were all over.

"Hahaha, the effect of this magic pill is really cool. I feel like I have endless strength all over my body, it's really cool."

The three big men were bombarding the dummy while laughing loudly from their mouths.

After swinging more than a hundred punches, the three of them finally came to a halt.

 It's over, thank you for your reward for holding the watermelon for the summer, okay ^_^~

(End of this chapter)

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