Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 1883 Indignant

Chapter 1883 Indignant
"Let me tell you."

Lu Hua took a deep breath, calmed down his anger, and said to Feng Qingge and the others.

Then he told everyone in detail about the fact that they were patrolling around the camp just now, but they were robbed of their territory.

"That's how it happened. The other party not only injured us, but also threatened that the territory belonged to them. If people from Shengtian Academy dare to set foot again, they will be killed immediately."

"It's really too much. Teacher Lu Hua, who is so arrogant? How dare you take the territory of our Shengtian Academy?"

Yun Jingyan snorted angrily, raised his head, and asked Lu Hua angrily.

"Hmph, who else could it be? Of course it's the Yaoxian sect."

Before Lu Hua could open his mouth, the teachers standing behind him had already groaned angrily.

Except for Yaoxianmen...

Who else would be so rampant, robbing other people's territory in broad daylight, and even hurting them, threatening them?

"Is it the Yaoxian Gate again?"

After listening to the teachers' answers, Feng Qingge's beautiful little face immediately became gloomy.

The last time, Chu Xian'er brought someone to break up the store and she still hasn't settled.

This time, the Yaoxian Sect came to grab the territory openly and aboveboard again.

"It's really unreasonable." Dean Situ shook his sleeve heavily.

Situ Bowen was also extremely angry about Yaoxianmen's arrogant and domineering approach.

"Dean, now the land to the east of our Holy Heaven Academy has been taken by people from the Yaoxian Sect. Moreover, they also said that they have a large number of people in the Yaoxian Sect, and there are only a hundred people in our Shengtian Academy. Big sites are useless."

Lu Hua raised his head and said to Dean Situ with an extremely angry face.

When he thought of the arrogant attitude of those people from Yaoxianmen when they said these words just now, he felt angry.

"Teacher Lu Hua, don't worry, I have this king here, and I will help you get justice now."

Filled with righteous indignation, Yun Jingyan rolled up his sleeves and was about to walk outside the camp.

The teachers were startled, and quickly stretched out their hands to stop Yun Jingyan.

"The thirteenth prince, absolutely not." Lu Hua said to him while pulling Yun Jingyan's sleeve firmly.

Although he also wanted to seek justice from Yaoxianmen, he was just thinking about it.

"Why not?" Yun Jingyan wondered.

Yao Xianmen is bullying people like this, of course he has to ask for an explanation.

Lu Hua met Yun Jingyan's puzzled gaze, smiled wryly, and said to him.

"Those people from the Yaoxian sect are not low-level, and there are two of them in the Lingzong alone. The Thirteenth Prince, if you go, you will definitely suffer."

While talking, Lu Hua shook his head towards Yun Jingyan.

Feng Qingge raised a sneer at the corner of her lips.

"Lingzong, is it very powerful?"

"Qingge girl, what do you mean?" Dean Situ turned his head quite unexpectedly, looked at Feng Qingge and asked.

Feng Qingge replied with a sneer: "Of course, as Shisan said, go to the Yaoxian sect to seek justice."

"Miss Qingge, you must think twice."

When Lu Hua and the others heard Feng Qingge's words, they quickly tried to dissuade them.

Although in their hearts, they all hated Yaoxianmen's arrogance.

But Feng Qingge and the others were going to seek justice for themselves, and they still felt that something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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