Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 33 Lack of money?Simple

Chapter 33 Lack of money?Simple


How can this be?

Master Cang Qing gasped in disbelief.

Perfect [-] star quality.

[-]% success rate.

How did this girl do it?
No no no.

When did the young people of today become so powerful?

Master Cang Qing couldn't accept it.

Manager Xu smiled wryly: "Master Cang Qing, I have seen all these with my own eyes."

Feng Qingge walked up to her, with four real gazes, and sat on the stool calmly, letting the two of them look back and forth.

Seeing this, Master Cangqing gave another secret praise in his heart.

"You are already so calm and calm at such a young age. This girl is really not simple."

Elder Feng chuckled in the bracelet: "Girl, do you see that, this is the benefit of being a pharmacist. How about it, are you tempted? Do you want to worship me as a teacher?"

Feng Qingge was speechless: "Don't forget, I am now a waste physique with blocked meridians and no spiritual power in my body. How can I become a pharmacist?"

Elder Feng rolled his eyes: "Nonsense. If it weren't for this, why bother my old man to refine the third-grade detoxification pill for you?"

Feng Qingge was noncommittal: "Even if the poison is detoxified, how can you be sure that there will be spiritual powers of wood and fire in my body?"

After all, on this continent, people with both wood and fire attributes are too rare.Otherwise, pharmacists would not become so precious.

Elder Feng stroked his beard with a mysterious expression: "Well...that's not necessarily true."

Feng Qingge's heart skipped a beat.

Just when he wanted to ask more questions, Mr. Feng suddenly changed the subject in a vicious way.

"Girl, don't try to talk to me, hehehehe."

After a moment of silence in his mind, Elder Feng had closed his mouth with a smirk.

Silently retracting her mind, Feng Qingge raised her head and looked at the two people in front of her with a calm expression.

"Guanshi Xu, Master Cangqing, I don't know if my elixir can be sold at your auction house?"

Guanshi Xu and Master Cang Qing looked at each other, and said in unison, "Of course."

Manager Xu continued with a smile: "If Miss Feng is trustworthy, you might as well wait patiently for a few days, and I will definitely sell these pills for a good price for the girl."

Tsk tsk, a whole hundred perfect quality Shengji pills.

As long as he promotes it well, those mercenary guards will definitely swarm in in a short time.

"Wait?" Feng Qingge frowned.

Manager Xu raised his head wonderingly: "What's wrong with Miss Feng?"

Feng Qingge opened her mouth: "To be honest with Manager Xu, I happen to be in a hurry to use money."

In a hurry to spend money?
Damn, isn't that simple?
Manager Xu and Master Cang Qing looked at each other.

With one voice: "We can lend it to the girl."

"How dare you..." Feng Qingge shook her head.

Before the words of refusal were finished, two shiny cards flashed in mid-air and appeared in front of Feng Qingge at the same time.

"Miss Feng, this is the VIP silver card of this auction house. There are [-] gold coins stored in it. Please accept it." Manager Xu looked at Feng Qingge with a smile.

When Master Cang Qing saw it, he became anxious.

Taking the glittering gold card in his hand, he quickly stuffed it into Fengqing Singer.

He opened his mouth anxiously: "Miss Feng, this is the old man's special VIP gold card. With this card, you can get a [-]% discount on all consumptions in the man's property across the country. There are ten thousand gold coins in it, and the girl will use it first."

Feng Qingge was taken aback by the two shiny VIP cards in front of her eyes.

Seeing Feng Qingge's silence, Master Cangqing and Guanshi Xu looked at each other silently.

He took out a ring-like thing from nowhere, gritted his teeth, and stuffed it into Feng Qing singer together.

"This ring, girl, take it too."

(End of this chapter)

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