Chapter 330

"Take care of them."

Turning her head and explaining in a hurry, Feng Qingge's feet flicked, and she flicked straight to the north of the forest.

The white figure quickly disappeared from everyone's sight after a few ups and downs.


As soon as she entered the north of the Flaming Forest, Feng Qingge was surprised to find that the degree of damage here was far worse than what it looked like from the camp just now.

On the vast land, on the surface that was originally covered with green, many plants and trees were shaken off, exposing the dark ground below.

There are chaotic cracks in the ground, and the fallen trees and dead branches are scattered across them.

Looking at it at a glance, the sky is full of wind and sand, and it is full of scars.

Feng Qingge mobilized all her spiritual power, flexibly avoided those gaps and dead trees, and headed straight to the north of the blazing forest.

In the dark sky, the wind and sand swept down the sky, rustling the surrounding leaves.

As we went further north, the sky became more and more gloomy.

"Ling Han, cough cough... Long Linghan, where are you?"

In the pitch-black woods, Feng Qingge yelled as she walked.

The strong wind and sand hit her face, and she had to tightly cover her mouth and nose with her sleeves to avoid being poured in by the wind and sand.

"Ling Han, Ling Han...can you hear my voice?"

Anxious voices mixed with howling winds spread into the surrounding deep forest, without any response.

In the dusty sky, the corners of Feng Qingge's clothes were blown and rattled.

If it wasn't for holding the big tree all the way forward to avoid the wind force, almost the whole person would be blown away by the strong wind.

It's been six or seven hours...

Along the way, Feng Qingge yelled while walking, trying to find Yun Linghan's trace.

At the beginning, she could still see the surrounding forest clearly by virtue of the low wind.

But as time passed and she headed north, the sky grew darker.

Up to now, the surroundings are pitch-black, and it is almost impossible to see your fingers.

In the howling wind, Feng Qingge shook off a thick layer of sand that had accumulated on her sleeves.

One was not paying attention, and the white veil covering his face was blown away by the strong wind, revealing a stunning and anxious face underneath.

"Ling Han, Long Linghan... Can you hear my voice? If you hear it, you promise... I'll come to rescue you right away... Cough, cough, cough."

No time to worry about the face, the veil that was blown somewhere, Feng Qingge let out another anxious cry from her mouth.

Accidentally, a mouthful of sand was poured into her throat along with the strong wind, causing her to cough violently.

No, we can't go on like this.

If this continues, even she will eventually be trapped to death in this boundless sandstorm due to exhaustion.

Feng Qingge leaned against a big tree and took a few breaths.

From the storage ring, he took out a handful of God-Returning Pill, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, he began to concentrate on refining.

The warm energy turned into a stream of heat and disappeared in the mouth, gradually spreading into the meridians and limbs.

Feeling the spiritual power gradually recovering in her body, Feng Qingge let out a long breath.

It feels like the spiritual power that was originally consumed rapidly is being quickly replenished and restored.

Not only that, but she could also vaguely feel that the original mysterious golden energy in the dantian was spreading along the meridians.

In just a short while, the fatigue both physically and mentally has been quickly swept away.

Standing up quickly from the ground, Feng Qingge took out a flint stone from the storage ring.

Borrowing the light of the fire spar, he continued to face the wind and sand, looking for it in front of him.

 Celebrate the birth of the first title of deacon in this article~ Lord of Sky Castle, spread flowers~~^_^
  Today's update is a little later, try to add more~ Please recommend tickets~~
  Thank you little angels for your continued support, okay~

(End of this chapter)

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