Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 397 Strange Dreams

Chapter 397 Strange Dreams
It turned on, on.

In the cave, the corners of Feng Qingge's mouth twitched slightly as she looked at the box on the ground.

I saw that the box, which was originally seamless, was divided into two as if it had been split with a knife, and the incision was very smooth and neat.

Inside the opened box, a shiny round bead rolled out of it, rolling all the way to Feng Qingge's feet.


Xiaobai nimbly picked up the bead from the ground, and handed it to Feng Qingge as if offering a treasure.The body is like a cat, and it rolls round into her arms.

"What is this?"

Taking the bead from Xiaobai's mouth, Feng Qingge wondered.

"Aww, aww."

Xiao Bai raised his head and howled dryly at her a few times, as if urging her to pick it up and look at it.

"You want me to watch this?" Feng Qingge looked down at Xiaobai and asked.

After getting a definite answer, Feng Qingge nodded.

He stared intently at the beads in his hand.

I saw the bead, about the size of a longan, and the whole body was light blue.The beads are neither stone nor jade, so I don't know what material they are made of.

Feng Qingge brought it to her eyes and observed it carefully.

I saw that light blue bead, illuminated by the light of flint, there seemed to be a pool of blue liquid flowing slowly in it.

As Feng Qingge turned, the liquid was also slightly rippling, as if it was alive.

Feng Qingge observed the clear water carefully with his eyes. Suddenly, he felt a little sleepy in the swaying waves.

In a daze, she reached out and rubbed Xiaobai's furry head, Feng Qingge leaned back.

Before I knew it, I just fell asleep like this.



In her sleep, Feng Qingge had a strange dream.

In the dream, she was standing alone in a strange place, surrounded by strange silence.

Feng Qingge looked around in bewilderment, and found that except for the small piece of land under her feet, the surroundings were all chaotic, as if surrounded by a cloud of mist.

Feng Qingge looked up to the sky...

I saw the sky was gray, neither the sun nor the stars could be seen.The chaotic light shone down from the thick clouds, and the entire space was lifeless.

Feng Qingge bowed her head silently.

I saw that the land under my feet was barren of grass, and the yellowish-brown surface was exposed, forming cracked gullies, which looked very barren.

"Where is this place?"

Feng Qingge opened her mouth in wonder, and looked down at her hands.

She remembered that she was cultivating in a cave, why did she come to such a strange place in the blink of an eye?

Feng Qingge looked around intently.

All sides were bare, and nothing could be seen but mist.

Not far ahead, there is a small square well.The style of the square well is simple and clean, which finally adds a bit of vitality to this space.

Feng Qingge thought about it.

He raised his foot silently and walked towards the side of the square well.

As he got closer, a burst of refreshing and moist water vapor rushed towards his face.

Feng Qingge felt her exhausted spirit lighten up, as if her whole body was refreshed.


He let out a breath of foul air soundlessly.

Feng Qingge smiled and lowered her head to look into the square well.

Inside the half-meter-square well mouth, there was a pool of light blue well water rippling slightly, clearly reflecting her shadow.

don't know how...

Feng Qingge suddenly thought of the slowly flowing liquid in the light blue bead just now.

(End of this chapter)

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