Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 409 Slap each other

Chapter 409 Slap each other
"You bitch dreaming."

Feng Jinning gritted her teeth with a contorted face.

I want her to slap herself...

She can't think about it.



At such a time, she still called Shunliu like a bitch.

Feng Qingge had a sneer on the corner of her mouth.

"Feng Jinning, since you dare to take the initiative to find fault, you should be prepared in advance to provoke and fail."

While speaking, a clear and crisp slap slapped Feng Jinning hard on the face.

"This slap is to slap you for disobeying school rules and grabbing territory at will."

clap clap!

Two more slaps came.

"These two slaps are full of provocation, insults and hypocrisy."

"Feng Qingge, you bitch, you wait, wait, for Miss Ben."

Covering her right face, Feng Jinning screamed loudly.As soon as he moved his body, the dagger on his neck became cold again.

Feng Jinning fixed her eyes on Feng Qingge, eyes full of resentment.

Feng Qingge raised her hand again...

When the eyes inadvertently caught a glimpse of the hatred in Feng Jinning's eyes, there was a sudden pause in the movement of raising her hand.

Under Feng Jinning's resentful gaze, there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.He suddenly turned his head and looked at Feng Jinyao and Chuning.

"You two, come here and slap her."

Looking up at Feng Jinyao and Chuning coldly, Feng Qingge pointed at Feng Jinning while speaking.

Feng Jinning's face changed slightly: "Feng Qingge, what exactly do you want to do?"

Feng Qingge gave her a cold look: "Since you don't want to beat yourself up, let your good sister teach you."

"Feng Qingge, you are dreaming." Feng Jinyao screamed loudly while covering her red and swollen cheeks.

To let her slap her third sister?

She was literally dreaming.

Chu Ning tugged at Feng Jinyao's sleeve tremblingly.

"Sister Yao, stop talking."

What if Feng Qingge was provoked again and let them slap themselves?
When Chuning thought of this, he shrank his neck in fear.

Feng Qingge opened her mouth coldly: "One hundred slaps, slap her or slap yourself, you choose."

"Ugly woman, you two had better think it through yourself." Yun Jingyan opened his mouth with a grin.

Nangong You picked his nails coolly.

"Or, let me send you to see King Hades directly."

"I'll count to three, whether to hit or not, you'd better think carefully." Feng Qingge said.




three. "

"Sister Ning'er, I'm sorry." Chuning gritted her teeth and became cruel.

Beating others is better than being beaten yourself.

Chuning stretched out his hand, slapped Feng Jinning hard on the face.

"Chu, sister Chuning?"

Feng Jinning looked at Chu Ning incredulously, with a lovely and pitiful look on her face, but secretly there was a flash of resentment in her eyes.

this idiot...

How dare you hit her?

"Sister Chuning, what are you doing?" Feng Jinyao shouted angrily.

How could she slap her third sister?

Anyway, after all the fights, Chuning decided to go all out.

Shouted to Feng Jinyao: "Sister Yao, didn't you hear? If we don't slap her, we will slap ourselves a hundred more times."

"Then you can't hit my third sister."

"Why not?"

As soon as he said this, Chuning immediately became angry.

"If she hadn't said that this is a good place to practice, how could we have encountered such a thing?"

"Obviously you were the one who was greedy and insisted on following, how can you blame my third sister?" Feng Jinyao yelled.

(End of this chapter)

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