Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 435 Misunderstanding

Chapter 435 Misunderstanding
Struggling to straighten up from Yun Linghan's arms without interest, Feng Qingge opened her mouth.

"There are quite a few people you want to protect."

Looking down, Feng Qingge didn't realize the strong sourness in her tone
If she remembered correctly, he seemed to have said the same thing when she first met him, right?

this man.

From beginning to end, it was really not ordinary busy.

As Feng Qingge thought about it, her face darkened.

Looking at Feng Qingge's eyes that suddenly dimmed, Yun Linghan frowned in confusion.

Then, looking at the veil covering her face, she narrowed her eyes in displeasure.

"I said, with me here, you don't have to cover up." Yun Linghan said in a low voice.

In the past, he thought she was afraid that she would be ridiculed for her ugliness, so she covered her face all day long.

But later he gradually discovered that she was not the kind of woman who was afraid of being ridiculed by others, so she was wronged and compromised.

It wasn't until he accidentally caught a glimpse of her stunning face in the blazing forest last time that he realized that what he had thought before was all wrong.

She is masked, not because she looks ugly.

Rather, he was afraid that because of his appearance, he would show off too much and attract the envy of others.

But his woman...

Never have to care about these.

Thinking of this, Yun Linghan looked at the stubborn and cold little woman in front of him, and felt a faint distress in his heart.

Yun Linghan stretched out his hand with deep eyes, and lifted the veil on her face.

"what are you doing?"

Feeling a sudden chill on her face, Feng Qingge was startled, and subconsciously stretched out her hands to cover the veil on her face.

Beneath the veil, that stunning visage is fleeting.

Because of the lost emotions just now, Feng Qingge's tone at this moment unexpectedly revealed a touch of coldness for no reason.

Feng Qingge raised her eyes coldly, and looked straight at Yun Linghan opposite, her eyes full of vigilance.

When he saw the stunned face in front of him, Yun Linghan's eyes became more intense.

this little woman...

Be on guard against him.

Yun Linghan's eyes became brighter.

Ignoring Feng Qingge's face as cold as the twelfth lunar month and winter in front of her.

Yun Linghan stretched out his long arms, and pulled her into his arms again.

Falling into that scorching embrace again, Feng Qingge struggled with a cold face.

"Let me go, let me go."

This man, why do you want to hug him?
While Feng Qingge was struggling quickly, she reached out and pushed on his chest.

Thinking of what he said just now of "protecting a woman personally", Feng Qingge felt even more agitated.

"Qingge, with me here, you don't have to be afraid."

Just as Feng Qingge was struggling violently, a low and gentle whisper sounded beside her ear.

Feng Qingge's struggling movements froze suddenly.

She looked up at the top of her head, those eyes as black as a deep pool.

The whole person seemed to be struck by lightning, and he was speechless in a daze.


Feng Qingge made a low voice.

"Qingge, trust me. With me here, I will never let you get hurt." Yun Linghan promised with deep eyes.

After finishing the words, he suddenly bent down domineeringly, lowered his head and kissed the little woman in his arms.



A breeze blows by the lake.

"The person I came to protect at Shengtian Academy is you."

After a long time, reluctantly standing up from the deep kiss, Yun Linghan whispered with a smile in his words.

Stopping in Feng Qingge's ears, it exploded like a thunderbolt.

 Both today and tomorrow are two updates, and thank you little angel for the monthly pass ~ meh ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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