Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 497 Strong "please" at the door

Chapter 497 Strong "please" at the door (2)

"Who are you? Why are you looking for Sister Qingge?"

Taking a strange look at the two strangers in front of him, Yun Jingyan asked carelessly.

"May I ask who is Miss Feng?"

Ignoring Yun Jingyan's question, the old man frowned slightly, with a haughty look on his face.

"Hey, are you deaf, old man? Our thirteenth brother asked who you are and what you can do with sister Qingge, why don't you answer?"

Reb took a step forward and asked loudly.

The two old men were silent.

I just repeated what I said just now: "Excuse me, who is Miss Feng?"

"Hey, I said you two old men..."

Seeing the defiant attitude of those two people, Reb's eyes turned red immediately.

"Reb, come back."

Just when Reb was about to get angry.

From the cave behind him, there was a faint sound of stopping.

Feng Qingge stepped out of the cave, gave him a calm look, and looked directly at the two people in front of him calmly.

"I am Feng Qingge. May I ask who you two are? What do you want from me?" Feng Qingge said in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

With her photographic memory...

It is absolutely certain that she has never seen these two people before.

not only…

She had never heard of two elders or teachers in green robes in Shengtian Academy.

As if confirming Feng Qingge's thoughts, one of them opened his mouth.

"Miss Feng, my lady has an invitation, please come with us."

His sharp eyes scanned Feng Qingge's face like a knife blade.

The old man who spoke before continued to speak expressionlessly.

"Who is your young lady? Why do you want Sister Qingge to see her?" Yun Jingyan yelled angrily.

These two old men are eccentric, and they don't look like good people at first glance.

Hearing Yun Jingyan's question, the two old men didn't even glance at him from the corners of their eyes.

Two pairs of dim and old eyes were still staring at Feng Qingge unblinkingly.

Feng Qingge opened her mouth coldly.

"Excuse me, who are the young ladies you are talking about? Why are you looking for me?"

"Miss Feng will know when she's gone."

Without answering Feng Qingge's words directly, another person opened his mouth.

"Sorry, I have nothing to accompany you." Feng Qingge coldly refused.

For the two people who didn't explain their purpose in front of them.

A faint vigilance flashed across Feng Qingge's eyes hidden under the veil.

"Strange old man, our sister Qingge won't go with you."

"Yes, yes, you two, go back wherever you came from."

"Haha... that's right, let's go quickly."

Lei Bu and the others laughed loudly at each other.

"Hmph, since you are the one who toasts and refuses to eat fine wine, then don't blame the old man for being rude."

Hearing Lei Bu's laughter, one of the old men snorted coldly.

Miss only let them "please" people...

But did not say what method was used.

"What do you want to do?"

Looking at the unfriendly eyes of those two old men, Yun Jingyan was the first to become vigilant.

"Nothing, just want to invite Miss Feng to come with us." The old man sneered.

Suddenly, he stepped forward quickly and grabbed Feng Qingge's sleeve.

"Asshole, quickly let go of Sister Qingge."

Seeing those two people being so rude, Yun Jingyan yelled and hurried forward to stop them.

"Thirteen, be careful."

Feng Qingge shouted, stretching out her hand to protect Thirteen in front of her.

"Hmph, it's too much."

Seeing Yun Jingyan who stepped forward to block him, the old man in green snorted coldly.

With a wave of his right robe.

A strong gust of wind was mixed with vigor, and it struck Yun Jingyan's chest menacingly.

(End of this chapter)

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