Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 567 Invitation Letter to the Alchemist Conference

Chapter 567 Invitation Letter to the Alchemist Conference
"The dean is over-rewarding. This time, Qingge has caused you trouble again."

Feng Qingge straightened her face and apologized sincerely.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay." Dean Situ waved his hand casually.

"Let's not talk about the contest, it was brought up by the other party first."

"Even if my Shengtian Academy really hurt people, does he dare to visit the Yaoxian sect to ask the teacher?"

"Hmph. Forgive her medicine woman, she doesn't have the guts yet."

While Dean Situ was speaking, his old eyes sharpened suddenly.There is a strong majesty and self-confidence of a superior person in every gesture.

After the words fell, he waved his hand indifferently.

"Let's not talk about this first. Girl, take a look at what this is."

As Situ Bowen said, he pushed the things in his hand to Feng Qingge.

Feng Qingge lowered her head and looked up.

I saw a simple and solemn black invitation card in Dean Situ's hand.

The whole body of this invitation card is black, and the words "invitation letter" are written in bold and bold characters on it.

Feng Qingge reached out to open the invitation.

Inside, a series of neat handwriting came into view.

And at the end of the handwriting, there is also a square and simple small medicine cauldron imprint.

"This is... an invitation letter for the alchemist meeting?"

Quickly scanning the content on the handwriting, Feng Qingge raised her head in surprise.

Although she had already heard about the Alchemist Conference from Thirteen in advance.

But I really saw the invitation letter for the meeting of alchemists.

Feng Qingge was still surprised.

"Hehe, if the old man remembers correctly, girl Qingge, you are also a pharmacist, right?"

Watching Feng Qingge's reaction with a smile, Situ Bowen laughed heartily.

"Yes." Feng Qingge nodded.

Regarding her identity as a pharmacist...

She didn't deliberately hide from Dean Situ.

Seeing Feng Qingge nodding, Situ Bowen's old and wise eyes suddenly lit up.

Leaning forward slightly, he asked cautiously.

"Then Qingge girl...hehehe, are you interested in participating in this alchemist meeting?"

Dean Situ rubbed his hands excitedly, and when he spoke, there was a hint of expectation in his tone.

"Participate in the pharmacists meeting?" Feng Qingge was taken aback.

For a moment, some didn't know how to answer.

The opportunity of the alchemist conference is very rare indeed.

But take part in...

She really never thought about it.

Seeing Feng Qingge's silence, Situ Bowen became anxious immediately.

With a "whoosh", he stood up from the chair, and while walking around in place, he began to seduce him carefully from his mouth.

"Girl...the Alchemist Conference is a grand event held only once every five years. At the conference, not only can you meet alchemists from all over the country, but you can also witness their alchemy skills with your own eyes."

"This kind of learning opportunity is a rare opportunity for every pharmacist."

"Qingge girl, how could you not take part in such a good opportunity?"

"I know, but..."

"Girl, promise him."

Just when Feng Qingge was about to refuse, Elder Feng's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"The teacher also wants me to attend the alchemist meeting?"

Feng Qingge was taken aback, and asked silently in her mind.

"Hey hey...it's a grand event held every five years, it's good for your alchemy skills. Besides..."

Elder Feng deliberately elongated his tone.

While speaking, he put on an appearance of an outsider on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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