Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 579 Love Breakfast

Chapter 579 Love Breakfast
In the center of the bright cave.

Feng Qingge, dressed in white clothes, sat cross-legged.

With light movements of his fingers, he controlled the lavender flame in the medicine cauldron in front of him, and warmed the furnace of pill in the purple lotus fire cauldron.

At the same time, the medicinal herbs around her have been completely consumed.

Bottles of fine jade bottles are neatly arranged in front of them.


Reaching out to wipe the sweat off her forehead, Feng Qingge let out a soft breath.

This day and night of refining had exhausted her body tremendously.

Of course, the benefits are self-evident.

Feng Qingge gradually controlled the flame in her hand and gradually extinguished it.

With a sound of "click", the lid of the Purple Lotus Fire Cauldron popped up, revealing eight round and white pills inside.

With a move with his right hand, he put the eight pills into the jade bottle he had prepared earlier.

Feng Qingge counted the jade bottles in front of her.


Fifteen bottles of pills appeared neatly in front of them.

"Good harvest."

Feng Qingge put a smile on her face from the bottom of her heart.

With a swipe of his finger, put those jade bottles into the storage ring.

Just when he stood up from the spot and moved his hands and feet, he smelled a strong fragrance coming from the entrance of the cave.


Feng Qingge let out a sigh, and looked up at the entrance of the cave.

At the entrance of the cave, a tall and straight figure came into view.

Holding a bowl of porridge and a plate of side dishes in his hand, Yun Linghan walked quickly into the cave.

The bright sunlight outside the cave shone on the exquisite silver mask on his face, shining to the extreme.

Seeing Feng Qingge looking at him, Yun Linghan's eyes became brighter.

"It's over, huh?"

Yun Linghan said, striding into the cave.

"Well. I'm sorry to let you stay with me in such a boring place."

Feng Qingge withdrew her gaze and said apologetically.

Originally, she planned to retreat alone.

But now, Yun Linghan must feel very bored to stay in this small valley with her all day.

Thinking of this, Feng Qingge's apology suddenly became stronger.

"No problem." Yun Linghan said concisely.

Put the porridge and side dishes in your hand on the table.

He opened his mouth and said, "Let's eat."

Feng Qingge cast her eyes on the table upon hearing this, and turned around curiously.

"Where did you get breakfast?"

Feng Qingge pointed to the bowl of hot porridge and side dishes on the table.

While speaking, I felt my stomach was really "gurgling, gurgling".

Feng Qingge had an embarrassing expression.

He was not polite at all, picked up the spoon and quickly scooped up a spoonful of white porridge, and put it directly into his mouth.


Fragrant rice grains are mixed with a soft taste, which slowly melts on the tip of the tongue.

"Hmm...it smells so good." Feng Qingge narrowed her eyes in satisfaction.

This kind of fragrant taste, once you eat it, you know it is freshly made.

Yun Linghan on the side opened his mouth: "I did it."

Feng Qingge froze while chewing the rice grains, and almost spit out a mouthful of porridge.

Yun Linghan's next words made her petrify on the spot.

"breakfast with love."

Yun Linghan thought for a while, and then spit out these words from his mouth.

The corners of Feng Qingge's mouth twitched and she looked away from the porridge, stammering and repeating.

"Love, love breakfast?"


Yun Linghan nodded obediently.

"You, you...did it?" Feng Qingge swallowed the porridge with difficulty, and asked with an unbelievably elongated tone.


Someone continued to nod.

Feng Qingge let go of her fingers, and the spoon in her hand dropped.

Looking down at the bowl of hot porridge in front of him, the expression on his face suddenly became extremely exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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