Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 584 Refining 2-Pill Elixir

Chapter 584 Refining the Second Grade Elixir
early morning.

The warm sunshine shrouded the sky over the small valley.

In the endless forest sea, a gust of breeze blows, the branches and leaves sway, bringing layers of green waves and spreading towards the end of the forest sea.

Inside the cool cave.

Feng Qingge exhaled softly, and made a move with her right hand.

More than a dozen kinds of medicinal materials, including the purple lotus cauldron, all appeared around her body.

"Girl, are you ready?" Elder Feng asked in his mind.

"Teacher, I'm ready." Feng Qingge nodded seriously.

"Alright then, I'll pass on the prescription of the second-grade elixir to you right now." Elder Feng's serious voice sounded in his head.

"Understood, thank you teacher." Feng Qingge nodded.

There was a sudden heat in my head.

A prescription for a second-grade elixir clearly appeared in her mind.

After half a month of practice, Feng Qingge has become much more proficient at controlling the purple lotus cauldron and the purple-level spiritual power in her body.

So starting today, she plans to try to refine the second-grade elixir.

Carefully read the prescription that appeared in my mind.

Feng Qingge scanned the above content word by word, firmly memorizing it in her heart, not even missing a single detail.

After reading it twice, I browsed it again in general, and the key points for attention.

Feng Qingge let out a breath, closed her eyes slightly, and recalled it from beginning to end in her heart.

What is recorded in this prescription is a second-grade elixir called Fengsu Pill.

This elixir can temporarily increase the speed of the user, and is the best choice for field rescue and escape.

Although the rank is only the second rank.

But because of its own use and attributes, it is highly sought after and loved by mercenaries in the ordinary market.

After all, this kind of wind attribute pill can save lives at critical times.

Plus it's not expensive.

Therefore, most mercenaries are willing to spend money to prepare one.

Suddenly opened his eyes from closed eyes.

Feng Qingge bent her fingers, and a ray of flame popped out into the purple lotus cauldron.

Wait for that ray of flame to burn blazingly inside the medicine cauldron.

Feng Qingge waved his left hand, and the four or five herbs in front of him were thrown into the cauldron at the same time.

The number of medicinal herbs that were full on the ground was reduced by one-third in an instant.

Wind Speed ​​Pill.

There are eleven types of medicinal materials needed, as well as a low-level wind attribute magic core.

Since it was the first refining, Feng Qingge decided to refine it in three times.

The five materials that were put in for the first time are all medicinal materials that contain strong wind attributes.

On the side, Yun Linghan looked at Feng Qingge who had entered the refining state in front of him, his deep eyes flickered.

Randomly set up a formation from around the cave.

The slender and tall body casually leaned back, quietly protecting Feng Qingge.

In the purple lotus fire cauldron where the temperature is rising rapidly.

As soon as the five kinds of medicinal materials entered the cauldron, they were immediately wrapped tightly by the flames swept up by the five groups.

Outside the Zilian Fire Cauldron, Feng Qingge moved her fingers slightly.

The five flames in the Zilian fire cauldron jumped quickly.In the fierce flames, the medicinal materials in it began to be burned and refined.

Because of the previous refining experience, it didn't take much time to refine five kinds of medicinal materials at the same time this time.

Feng Qingge concentrated on controlling the temperature of the flame, changing the movements of her fingers without haste.

After about half an hour.

puff puff.

Puff puff.

Five muffled sounds sounded from inside the medicine cauldron one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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