Chapter 589

"Ha ha."

He looked at the little woman running away in front of him.

After a long time, there was a sudden burst of low laughter from the cave behind him.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Linghan strode out of the cave entrance.

He found a nearby water pool and jumped into it with a "plop".


Deep in the small valley.

After walking a few hundred meters, Feng Qingge's face was still hot.

The few beautiful pictures just now came to my mind one after another, and I can't get rid of them.

"Hey, girl. What's the matter with you, are you uncomfortable?"

Elder Feng appeared in mid-air with a "whoosh", looked at Feng Qingge's face wonderingly and asked.

While speaking, he yawned deeply towards the sky.

"It's nothing."

Seeing Elder Feng appear, Feng Qingge shook his head unnaturally.

Reaching out to touch his hot cheek, he let out a breath.

Follow the path under your feet and continue walking towards the inside of the small valley.

Along the way, Feng Qingge restrained her mind while walking, and carefully searched for the lush medicinal herbs on both sides of the path.

Once you come across a suitable species, use your snow blade to dig up that herb, along with its roots.

Then take the soil and put the whole plant into the prepared jade bottle.After going back, they will be planted together in the space clear water beads.

Just walking and digging all the way, Feng Qingge gradually stepped into the deepest part of the small valley.

Unknowingly, the sky has gradually brightened.


Under the morning light, Feng Qingge stopped from where she was, and carefully counted last night's harvest.

Then he nodded with satisfaction.

"The harvest is good. Teacher, let's go back."

Feng Qingge patted the jade bottles in her hand with a smile, turned her head and smiled at Feng Lao.

With these herbs…

It was enough to support her practice for the next half month.

"I just don't know if I need to prepare the refining materials myself at the pharmacists meeting."

Feng Qingge narrowed her eyes slightly, thinking silently.

If necessary, she would have to enter the valley one more time before leaving.

Feng Lao pondered and opened his mouth: "Well... it stands to reason. In order to ensure the fairness of the pharmacist conference. Under normal circumstances, the medicinal materials will be provided by the pharmacist guild."

after all…

The age of medicinal materials will more or less affect the quality of Chengdan.

So to be fair.

Under normal circumstances, medicinal materials will be uniformly prepared by the organizer.

However, this is only limited to the fairness of materials.

after all.

No matter where it is, there will be no absolute fairness.

"However, girl. Just in case, there is no harm in preparing more." Feng Lao thought for a while and added.

"I understand, teacher." Feng Qingge nodded upon hearing this.

The alchemist conference itself stipulates that all alchemists between the ages of 15 and 35 can participate.

That is to say, the closer the age is to 35, the richer the refining experience is, and the more privileged it is to participate.

So from this aspect, there is no so-called fairness at all.

"Tsk tsk, girl, you have to remember. Sometimes...age doesn't mean everything."

Old God Feng was floating in mid-air, stretched out an index finger towards her, and shook it with an inscrutable expression.

"I know, teacher." Feng Qingge smiled.

While turning around, the movement of leaving suddenly froze.

Looking at a certain corner on the front left, Feng Qingge's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Snow charm fruit."

How could it appear in such a place?

(End of this chapter)

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