Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 638 Good stuff?

Chapter 638 Good stuff?
"Dean, that gray chicken is too much. If sister Qingge didn't stop me, I would have beaten her like a pig's head."

While talking, Yun Jingyan waved his fist towards the sky unhappily.

What he just said is completely true.

What Sister Feng Jinning did...

It's already very annoying without him adding oil and vinegar.

"It doesn't make sense."

After listening to Yun Jingyan's narration, Situ Bowen slapped the table angrily, and stood up angrily.

"Girl Qingge, is what Xiao Shisan said true?" Situ Bowen turned his gaze to Feng Qingge.

"Dean, about this matter, Thirteen has already taught them for me, so forget it."

Feng Qingge's eyes turned cold, and she replied coldly.

She didn't let Feng Jinning and Feng Jinyao go soft-hearted.

I just don't want to ruin her good mood of reuniting with Shisan and Nangong because of their two rat shit.

"Hehe, girl Qingge is really magnanimous. That's good... since you say forget it, then this matter will stop here."

"As for the antidote... Well, let's just teach them a lesson."

Situ Bowen glanced at Feng Qingge appreciatively, thought for a while and added.

"Everything is up to Dean Situ." Feng Qingge nodded indifferently.

For this...

She's okay with that.

"By the way, Dean Situ. This time I'm going to the Blazing Forest, Qingge has something nice to give you, old man."

Don't bother with Feng Jinning and Feng Jinyao anymore.

Feng Qingge turned her head with a smile, looking at Dean Situ with smiling eyes.

Back in Shengtian Academy, Dean Situ generously gave her a sixth-order snow ape magic core.

She has always kept this matter in mind.

I have always wanted to find an opportunity to repay his old man.

"Oh, a good thing? Hehehe... You miss it, girl Qingge."

As soon as he heard that Feng Qingge had something good for him, Situ Bowen's old eyes lit up, and he laughed very happily.

Hmm... not bad not bad.

It's really rare that Qingge girl is so caring.

"Good good."

Dean Situ said three "good" words in a row, leaned forward, and looked at Feng Qingge eagerly.

"Girl, what good thing is it?" Situ Bowen said, rubbing his hands excitedly.

Something that can be sold by girl Qingge...

It must not be too bad.

Thinking of the incomparably precious pills in Xiao Shisan's hands, Dean Situ's beard almost flew into the sky.

As for Nangong You and the others at the side, they couldn't hold back their curiosity for a long time, and all looked at Feng Qingge.

"Xiao Ge'er, what good thing is it? Is it for me?"

Nangongyou blinked, blinked, looking at Feng Qingge curiously.

"Sister Qingge, what good thing is it? Hurry up and let us have a look." Yun Jingyan couldn't help urging.

"Could it be a elixir above grade seven?" someone guessed loudly with bright eyes.

"Stupid. Do you think the seventh-grade elixir is jelly beans? You can refine it if you say it? By the way, sister Qingge, do you have our share?"

Reaching out his hand and knocking on the boy quickly, Leib widened his eyes in excitement.

Feng Qingge smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, everyone has a share."

If you don't talk about it, don't let it go.

With a move of the right hand, a huge white wine jug with a cold air began to appear in front of everyone, bottle after bottle.

(End of this chapter)

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