Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 652 Strange commotion

Chapter 652 Strange commotion
In the hall, the ordinary warriors who came and went looked at the alchemists in awe or curiosity.

And what surprised Feng Qingge the most was...

The gate that was originally tightly closed in the north was now slowly opened.

"Miss, look, what happened over there?"

Lu'er stretched out her finger, and asked those alchemists in a very surprised voice.

Feng Qingge murmured, "Let's have a look first before we talk."

After the words fell, he raised his eyes first, and looked towards the door that was opening.

With the opening of the door to the north.

There was a faint commotion in the entire hall.

All eyes were cast on the two gates in unison.Holding his breath, he quietly waited for the figure coming out of the gate.

Inside the thick black door.

The first thing that caught Feng Qingge's eyes were four guards in white uniforms.

The white uniforms on their bodies also emitted a light blue light, just like the ones she had seen at the gate of the city.

As soon as the four guards stepped out of the door, they stood respectfully beside the door.

Behind them, a familiar figure unexpectedly appeared in Feng Qingge's sight.

"Master Cang Qing?"

Seeing that hale and hearty figure, Feng Qingge suddenly blurted out in surprise.


He heard someone calling himself.

Surrounded by many guards, Master Cang Qing, who had a steady expression on his face, let out a soft "Huh" from his mouth, and quickly turned his head to look this way.

"Master Cangqing, it's me."

Meeting Master Cangqing's gaze, Feng Qingge walked down the stairs with a smile.

"Feng girl? Why are you here?"

When he saw Feng Qingge and Lu'er clearly, Master Cang Qing shouted in surprise.

He stretched out his hand and waved back the guards around him, and walked towards this side with big strides.

"Master Cangqing, long time no see."

Seeing Master Cang Qing striding forward, Feng Qingge opened her mouth with a smile.

Master Cangqing walked up to Feng Qingge.

First, with a pair of old eyes, he took a quick look at Feng Qingge.

On a hale and hearty face, there was a hint of surprise.

"Tsk tsk, girl. Long time no see, your strength has improved a lot, right?"

this girl...

Why does it always surprise people every time it appears?
"Master Cangqing, is there a convenient place to talk?"

After recovering from the surprise, Feng Qingge smiled and pointed around.

Master Cangqing heard the words, and quickly looked around from the corner of his eye, before realizing that this is not the place to talk.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand to summon a pharmacist, and whispered some instructions to him.

Seeing the pharmacist lead the order and leave quickly.

Master Cang Qing stroked his beard with a smile, and said to Feng Qingge.

"Hehe, girl Feng, come with me."

After finishing speaking, he took Feng Qingge and walked towards the black door.

After entering the door, Feng Qingge realized that it seemed to be a quiet resting area.

In the spacious passage, bursts of faint danxiang came along the passage, refreshing.

Seemingly hearing footsteps from this side, a middle-aged man looked up to this side.

"Master Cangqing, why did you just go out and come back?"

"Hehe, look who the old man brought here?"

Master Cang Qing laughed, and said deliberately.

"Guard Xu?"

Looking at the middle-aged old man, Feng Qingge was the first to yell out in surprise.

Who is this middle-aged man in front of him if he isn't Guanshi Xu from Liangren's Auction House?

(End of this chapter)

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