Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 669 Qingge, sleep

Chapter 669 Qingge, sleep

"I, we..."

Feng Qingge was momentarily at a loss for words.

"Teacher, don't talk about this, just give him the pill first." Feng Qingge opened her mouth hastily, and quickly changed the subject.

"Hey, I want to convince you to help him."

Elder Feng curled the corner of his mouth unhappily, and yawned sleepily and said.

"My old man has been tossing around for most of the night, and he is almost exhausted. You damn girl, you really have no conscience."

While Feng Lao was babbling from his mouth, he raised his hand and threw the elixir steadily into Feng Qing singer.

"Here, girl. Take it, and he'll be fine if he swallows it. But judging from his current condition, he won't be able to die temporarily if he refuses to accept it."

Elder Feng waved his hands casually, and yawned skyward again.

"Stop talking, my old man went to sleep."

After finishing speaking, he quickly disappeared into the room with a "whoosh".

Taking over the elixir refined by Feng Lao with a happy face, Feng Qingge reached out and pushed Yun Linghan's chest.

"Ling Han, the elixir is ready, wake up."

"Qingge, don't move...it's cold."

Pushed by Feng Qingge, Yun Linghan immediately rubbed his chin restlessly on her shoulder twice, and his arms around her became tighter.

Feng Qingge opened her mouth dumbfounded: "Ling Han, wake up quickly, take the medicine first before going to sleep."

While Feng Qingge was speaking, she held the pill in front of him and showed it to him.

Yun Linghan reluctantly opened his eyes from the cold, looking at the five jade-white fingertips in front of him, his eyes were dimly lit.

Feng Qingge urged repeatedly: "Ling Han, hurry up and take the pill."

"it is good."

Yun Linghan opened his mouth in a low voice.

She stretched out the tip of her tongue and rolled it around her fingertips, and licked the elixir into her stomach, but her thin lips still held her fingers and did not let go.

"Qingge, the taste is very good." A low and clear voice sounded from the darkness.

"Let go."

Seeing Yun Linghan's almost rascal appearance, Feng Qingge suddenly widened her eyes and said angrily.

Just as she was about to reach out to push him away, a pair of big hands were already wrapped around her arms.

"Qingge, go to sleep."

A thick nasal voice sounded indistinctly from under the mask.

When he closed his eyes, he actually held her fingertips in his mouth like this, and fell asleep again.

Listening to the steady breathing in her ears, Feng Qingge struggled twice in anger.

It's a pity that the strength on his arm was too great, and she couldn't move at all.


Reluctantly shifting the uncomfortable posture, Feng Qingge gritted her teeth and said.

After being tossed about by him for most of the night, Feng Qingge only struggled a few times before feeling waves of sleepiness hitting her like a tide.

Listening to the strong heartbeat in her ear, Feng Qingge felt a strong sense of drowsiness after a while.

Leaning against the firm chest behind her, she fell into a deep sleep.


This time, I slept very restlessly.

Throughout the night, Feng Qingge felt something cold behind her, pressing against her neck.

The next day, early in the morning.

At dawn, Feng Qingge woke up with a sharp pain all over her body.

"it hurts."

Feng Qingge let out a cry of pain, and reached out to rub her sore neck and lower back.

Then she found that the culprit on the big bed that made her back and back ache all night had disappeared.

"Even if you run fast, otherwise I will not spare you."

In the room, Feng Qingge raised her fist and waved it in mid-air, gritted her teeth and said.

However, I finally felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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