Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 772 Man’s Heart Undersea Needle

Chapter 772 Man’s Heart Undersea Needle (2)

Yun Linghan choked suddenly.

A pair of eyes stared at Feng Qingge in disbelief, and then narrowed dangerously.

"You, unexpectedly, forgot,?"

Yun Linghan gritted his teeth word by word.

At this moment, he wished to pry open this woman's brain and see what was inside her.

When Feng Qingge heard the words, she raised her face innocently, and looked at Yun Linghan fixedly.

what forgot?
She obviously didn't remember what he said to her just now.

Feng Qingge narrowed her eyes in confusion, trying to remember.

She didn't know if it was due to lack of oxygen, but she felt a lump of paste in her head at the moment.


Wasn't this man fine just now?

Why did he change his face again after only a short while?
Feng Qingge glanced at Yun Linghan strangely, and couldn't help but curse in her heart.

Seeing her distracted expression again, Yun Linghan's eyebrows twitched heavily again.

"Feng, Qing, Song."

Yun Linghan clenched his fists tightly.


A hostile cry suddenly came out of nowhere.

Then the storage ring on Feng Qing's singer flashed, and a ball of snow-white fur rushed towards Yun Linghan with its fangs and claws.


Feng Qingge was startled, and quickly reached out to grab it.

But Xiaobai's speed was astonishingly fast, he nimbly avoided Feng Qingge's fingers, and rushed straight at Yun Linghan's face like lightning.

ooh ooh...

How dare you take advantage of your dear master.

This bastard, it wants to scratch its face.

While thinking in his heart, Xiao Bai sharpened his sharp fangs and two furry claws.


Looking at the menacing fur ball in front of him, Yunling snorted coldly.

In the blink of an eye, he flicked his sleeves suddenly.

"Stop, don't hurt Xiaobai."

Feng Qingge's cry came.

The movement of Yun Linghan flicking his sleeve abruptly stopped in mid-air.

His eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the route it was coming from, and the corners of his lips suddenly evoked a wicked sneer.

Just standing there without dodging or evading, letting Xiaobai pounce on his face.

"Xiaobai, don't."

Feng Qingge exclaimed, and quickly stopped her.

Although Xiaobai looks small and harmless to humans and animals.

But how powerful her teeth and claws are, she knows all too well.

At that time, it was Xiaobai who gnawed Feng Jinyao's spirit weapon long sword one by one.

Yun Linghan took a deep look at Feng Qingge.

The temperature in the eyes that had been frozen into ice slag seemed to melt a little.

Ignoring Feng Qingge's cry, Xiao Bai kicked his hind legs, and had already landed on Yun Linghan's delicate silver mask.

The mask was made of unknown material, but under the cover of Xiao Baiyuan's body, it was still shining brightly.

The enemy was right in front of him, and Xiao Bai suddenly became excited.

The round little butt pouted, opened the small mouth, and gnawed on the mask proudly.

There was a crisp metal collision sound, and Xiao Baiyuan's rolling body froze suddenly.

Feng Qingge paused with her fingers stretched out in the air, and looked at Xiaobai with a puzzled expression.

I saw Xiao Bai blinked his round eyes in disbelief, then tentatively stretched out his claws, and knocked on the mask on Yun Linghan's face.

Da da!

Two crisp voices sounded again.

Feng Qingge was surprised to find that Xiaobai's small teeth, which could gnaw off spirit weapons, didn't even leave a tooth mark on the mask.

Not to mention tooth marks, there is not even the slightest trace...

Feng Qingge was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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