Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 794 Absence

Chapter 794 Absence
on the VIP seat.

Huo Lao's old eyes slowly scanned the auditorium and the competition field below.

Then he transported spiritual power from his dantian, and announced downwards with a strong breath.

"The old man announces that the second round of the alchemist conference has begun."

"Now, all those who have passed the first round of tests are invited to enter."

The long and resonant voice quickly spread throughout the square.

As soon as this remark came out, bursts of warm cheers erupted in the auditorium.

Among the cheering crowd, everyone stood up excitedly from their chairs, looking wildly at the audience.

The entire square was full of voices and thunderous cheers.

"Look, there are people from Yaoxianmen."

"Feng Qingge! Feng Qingge! Feng Qingge!"

"Miss Jin Ning...Miss Jin Ning, come on."

One after another incomparably excited cheers sounded hysterically from above the auditorium.

Everyone looked eagerly at the audience, and a series of loud cheers erupted continuously from the auditorium.

Over the crowded square, wave after wave of heat waves spread, pushing the warm atmosphere of the game to its peak.

At the VIP seat, Huo Lao looked at the crowd below and smiled knowingly.

Steadily turned around from the boiling cheers, and walked slowly towards the chair.

In the center of the venue, the lively cheers from all around were heard.

Situ Jiao held her head high and walked ahead with a proud smile on her face.


Counterfeit goods.

Didn't expect it...you will have today?
His eyes quickly swept over the contestants.

When she saw that there was no Feng Qingge inside, Situ Jiao immediately lifted her chin triumphantly, not to mention how happy she was.

It seems that the boss is right...

That counterfeit has now been imprisoned by the Empress Nanze.


Maybe, it is also possible that he has been killed.

"Hmph, counterfeit. You deserve it for offending Miss Ben everywhere."

Situ Jiao smiled resentfully and said out of her mouth, strode to stand in front of her white jade platform.

Behind her, stood Feng Jinning and Chu Xian'er in turn.

I saw Feng Jinning wearing a pink dress, with an elegant and gentle smile on her face, her whole person was like ice and snow on a high mountain, making her amiable.

Chu Xian'er was wearing a pure white long dress, with her chin raised noble and reserved.The corner of the clothes fluttered like a fairy, like a white cloud that is out of reach in the sky.

As soon as the three stood still in the venue, they immediately caught the attention of everyone present.

In the auditorium, an excited voice came.

"Look, that one is the disciple of Medicine King Fengchi, Miss Feng Jin Ningfeng. The other two are inner disciples of Medicine Immortal Sect, Situ Jiao and Chu Xian'er."

"Tch, so what about Yaowang and Yaoxianmen? Couldn't they beat Miss Qingge?" A disdainful voice sounded.

"Yes, yes, Miss Qingge is the most powerful."

"So what about Yaowang and Zongmen? In the end, it's not a complete defeat?"

"In my opinion, Miss Qingge is sure to win this time."

"That's right, that's right. We also support Miss Qingge's victory."

Amidst the chatter, many people around nodded their heads in agreement.

In the crowd, a suspicious voice suddenly sounded.

"Huh? Strange. You see, it seems that Miss Qingge hasn't come yet."

(End of this chapter)

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