Miss Poison Doctor

Chapter 960 Detecting Uncle Zuo’s Injury

Chapter 960 Detecting Uncle Zuo’s Injury

"Heal your injuries well, I'll go inside to see Uncle Zuo."

Watching them take the pill with a smile, Feng Qingge nodded to them, then turned to look at Tang Qi.

"Tang Qi, go and arrange for Fengmeng's people to clean up the yard and count the number of injured people by the way."

"Understood, Miss Qingge." Tang Qi responded.

Feng Qingge nodded.

He lifted the curtain and walked inside.

As soon as he entered the inner room, an old man with a gray beard had already walked towards him.

"Qingge girl, you are finally back."

The old man looked at Feng Qingge excitedly, a trace of tiredness appeared in his eyes.

"Elder Qing, I have really troubled you during this time."

Feng Qingge said gratefully to the old man.

This Elder Qing, whom she had met several times in the academy, was also a pharmacist.

"Oh, it's a pity that I'm not good at learning, so I can't cure everyone's injuries." The elder Qing shook his head in shame.

"Elder Qing, how is Uncle Zuo?" Feng Qingge asked anxiously.

"Still unconscious. Girl Qingge, you should go and see for yourself." Elder Qing opened his mouth.

"Okay." Feng Qingge nodded.

Quickly walked to the side of the bed, separated a ray of consciousness, and probed into Uncle Zuo's body.

As soon as Feng Qingge's consciousness came into contact with Uncle Zuo's body, she suddenly felt a thick spiritual force, which knocked her consciousness back.

"This is……"

A hint of astonishment welled up in Feng Qingge's eyes.

Since her spiritual power broke through the Lingzong, she has never encountered such a situation.

"What's the matter, girl?"

In the mind, Feng Lao's voice sounded hastily.


Feng Qingge collected herself, and quickly told Elder Feng what happened to her.

"Hmm... You are seriously injured, but you can still counteract the spiritual power of others? Let me see." Feng Lao thought for a while in his heart.

Then carefully separated a ray of consciousness from the air, and probed into Uncle Zuo's body.

After a long time, Old Feng regained his consciousness and showed a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Teacher, how is Uncle Zuo's injury?" Feng Qingge hurriedly asked.

"Well, it's about the same as those people outside." Feng Lao replied casually.


Feng Qingge was puzzled.

"Then why Uncle Zuo has been in a coma?"

Hearing this, Elder Feng pondered for a few seconds before opening his mouth to answer.

"If my guess is correct, he used a special method to protect his meridians and dantian, so as not to make the injury worse. It is precisely because of this that he fell into a coma."

Feng Qingge's eyes widened in surprise.

"Is there such a way?"

"I'm not too sure. But in the Chiyan Continent, I seem to have heard of such a similar technique." Feng Lao nodded in his mind.

While speaking, he glanced at Uncle Zuo with a strange expression.

What are the backgrounds of these people around the girl?
He even knows the life-saving secret that has been lost on the Chiyan Continent.

"Girl, don't worry about this for now. Go find a quiet room first, and we'll start refining Bingxi Pill." Elder Feng opened his mouth.

"it is good."

Feng Qingge nodded.

Turn around and walk out of the room.

First, he ordered Lu'er and Zhixi to arrange for Elder Qing and the others to rest in the room.

Then he found a quiet room and prepared to start refining the elixir.

(End of this chapter)

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