Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1039 Invite the cook chapter

Chapter 1039 Invite the cook back

After solving the problem of not enough seats, Zhao Yun'er turned around and entered the kitchen, continuing to work.

After Zhao Wenhua settled the guests, he set off a string of firecrackers outside the yard, because the banquet had begun.

A series of hot and fragrant dishes came out of the kitchen.

The freshly fried dishes were placed on the table. After tasting Zhao Yuner's cooking skills, the guests were all admiring the deliciousness.

It's not that they haven't eaten banquets, and some banquets are even run by the chef of the restaurant, but they feel that the taste of the chef's dishes is not as good as Zhao Yuner's.

"It's delicious!"

"Yeah, it's delicious, it's so delicious!"

"I have eaten so many banquets, and this is the first time I have eaten such a good meal!"

"That's right! But who cooked this dish?"

When it came to this question, everyone looked at Zhao Wenhua.

"Brother Wenhua, which restaurant's chef did you invite for the banquet today?"

"Yeah, tell me, I'm having a banquet at my house later, I'll invite you back too!"

"After this banquet is held, how much does the chef have to pay for a day?"

"Is it a few hundred Wen? Or a few taels of silver?"

"I think it costs a few taels of silver. I have eaten dishes made by a cook before. I heard that I have to pay him two taels of silver a day, but it is not as delicious as the dishes at Brother Wenhua's today."



Everyone at the dinner table questioned Zhao Wenhua one by one.

Generally, country people hold banquets. Except for cooking at home, those with a little bit of qualifications will go to the town to find a cook to cook.

But if you invite the cook back, you will get a lot of wages a day.

The cheaper ones cost a few hundred cash, and the more expensive ones cost a few taels of silver.

Looking at Zhao Yuner's home cooking, it should be worth a few taels of silver.

If this is the case, it can only be said that the conditions of Zhao Yuner's family are too good, and now it is too difficult to invite such an expensive cook back.

This ordinary countryman, how can he have such money to do it.

Facing the cross-examination of these people, Zhao Wenhua smiled, "My family didn't invite a cook back, it was my second daughter, girl Yun'er who did it!"

When Zhao Wenhua talked about Zhao Yun's childhood, there was an unconcealable smile on the corner of his mouth, and a little sense of pride in his tone.

After all, the dishes Zhao Yuner cooked today were unanimously praised by everyone at the dinner table, which made him feel more honored.

Hearing that Zhao Wenhua said that Zhao Yuner did it, the people at the dinner table were also slightly surprised for a moment.

"Ah, girl Yun'er did it!"

"Yeah, why is girl Yun'er's craftsmanship so good!"

"That's right, it tastes better than the chef's cooking in a restaurant!"

"Brother Wenhua, your second daughter is really hiding something!"

"Let's just talk about why the prince fell in love with it. I think Yun'er girl must have her own unusualness. Now it seems that it is indeed the case. Just because of the cooking skills, our village... No, there is no such thing in our town. We will definitely be able to find a better one like girl Yuner!"

"Young girl Yun'er's skills can directly make her a chef!"



These people, you said one by one, almost blowing Zhao Yun'er into the sky.

In addition to some people who really think that Zhao Yuner is great, the other is flattery, which makes Zhao Wenhua happy, so they get close to Zhao Wenhua.

After all, Zhao Wenhua's family is different from before. People are like this. They can't help curry favor with the rich and powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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