Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1055 A Woman Like a Pig

Chapter 1055 A Woman Like a Pig
After it was finished, he called Qin Yuan over to take a bath.

"Yuan'er, come on! It's time to wash!"

"Okay, mother!" Qin Yuan responded, then fetched water from the kitchen, went to the room and washed his body up and down.

In this way, the body will be much more comfortable.

"Mother, is that woman Zhao Ping'er up?" Qin Yuan asked Mu Chunfang after washing.

Speaking of this, Mu Chunfang was stunned for a moment, and then said, "No, isn't Ping'er girl asleep in the room?"

Qin Yuan became angry when he heard this, "That woman Zhao Ping'er is still sleeping? You can forgive her for being ugly and stupid, but this woman is lazy, so what can I do? Since you are married to our Qin family, you must understand us. According to the rules of the Qin family, no one will spoil her."

Generally, a virtuous woman should have gotten up by now, and made breakfast early to serve her parents-in-law.

But Zhao Pinger, a woman, slept in at his house on the first day she got married.

If it is spread later, others will only laugh at him not only for marrying an ugly woman, but also for marrying a lazy woman.

"Mother, I'll go and wake her up!" Qin Yuan said with a serious face.

"Yuan'er, girl Ping wants to sleep, so let her sleep a little longer!"

"What time is this, are you still sleeping? Are you lazy like a pig?"

Seeing that Qin Yuan was angry, Mu Chunfang couldn't say anything.

"Then...then you call girl Ping'er to get up!"

"En!" Qin Yuan responded, and then went into the house.

Zhao Pinger was lying on the bed, sleeping comfortably.

The whole person was lying on his stomach, his buttocks were raised in an arc, and there were bursts of loud grunting sounds from his mouth.

The earth-shattering power snoring made Qin Yuan frowned in disgust.

Why is this woman Zhao Yuner so disgusting?

Act like a man!
No, no, it should be said that it looks like a pig.

Seeing Zhao Pinger like this made him even more angry.

"Bump~" After the loud sound, Zhao Pinger jumped up in fright.

He asked Qin Yuan blankly, "What's the matter? Brother Yuan, what's the matter?"

Qin Yuan snorted coldly, "What's the matter? Zhao Ping'er, what's the matter?"

Zhao Pinger buttoned her booger, and muttered, "Brother Yuan, I was sleeping just now, I don't know what happened!"

Qin Yuan was so angry that his chest hurt, "Zhao Ping'er, you bitch, shut up!"

"Brother Yuan..."

Zhao Ping'er didn't know where she made her lover unhappy again.

It's really strange, he didn't do anything, why Qin Yuan just likes to be angry with her.

You can't see that everything is not pleasing to your eyes, can you?

"Brother Yuan... just tell me if you have anything to do, I'll listen to you." Zhao Ping'er looked at Qin Yuan aggrieved.

Qin Yuan couldn't get angry, "Zhao Ping'er, you are really good. On the first day you married into my house, you actually slacked off working and slept until now! Are you ashamed!"

Zhao Pinger was very puzzled, "Brother Yuan... Isn't it because you made me too hard last night? Of course I was very sleepy after tossing around until midnight. And I got up... What am I doing when I get up? No one asked me to work , I don't know what I should do!"

Qin Yuan felt that if he and Zhao Pinger talked a few more words, he could shorten his life by a few years.

"Zhao Ping'er, are you a pig? Why are you so stupid, you need someone to teach you what to do before you know what to do?" Qin Yuan asked angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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