Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1078 Let Zhao Pinger clean up

Chapter 1078 Let Zhao Pinger clean up
She just wanted to complain, but there was no place to complain.

She is a fool, what can she say?
It's just that he didn't expect Qin Chuan to be stupid, why would he get it in his crotch along with pee and feces?
Even a fool should know how to take off his pants!

"Hey..." Zhao Ping'er sighed deeply, she only hoped that Qin Chuan's normal state was not like this, otherwise she would go crazy.

Helping Mu Chunfang serve Qin Chuan like this every day, he must be going crazy.

Zhao Pinger poured out the water in the basin, rinsed the wooden basin with cold water, then filled some clean water and sent it into the house.

Mu Chunfang hurriedly wiped Qin Chuan's body again, and then put on Qin Chuan's pants.

After putting it on, Mu Chunfang turned her head and saw Zhao Ping'er pinching her nose with a look of disgust.

Although it was understandable, Mu Chunfang was just unhappy.

If others dislike it, then so be it, but since Zhao Pinger is married, she is a member of their Qin family.

No matter what, Zhao Pinger shouldn't dislike Qin Chuan.

After all, he still wanted Zhao Ping'er to be Qin Chuan's wife later on.

When she gets old and is no longer in this world, Chuan'er in his family has to have someone to take care of him.

If Zhao Pinger became Qin Chuan's wife, she would definitely have to do this kind of thing.

Mu Chunfang wondered if Qin Chuan should let Zhao Pinger do it next time Qin Chuan pissed and pooped in his pants.

Now that Zhao Yun'er is used to it, she will naturally know to help out in the future.

Seeing Mu Chunfang looking at her, Zhao Pinger asked, "Mom, what are you doing looking at me?"

"What are you doing with your nose covered?" Mu Chunfang asked.

Zhao Ping'er curled her lips and said, "Mom, isn't this smelly, of course I'm pinching my nose..."

Mu Chunfang replied with some displeasure, "Smelly? What, it's not like you haven't had shit before!"

"Mother..." Zhao Ping'er didn't know what to say about Mu Chunfang.

It stinks, but she didn't say anything wrong.

I'm not happy about such a small thing.

It's so pitiful to be married, a little thing can make people unhappy.

"All right, all right!" Mu Chunfang didn't want to talk about Zhao Ping'er's posture.

Instead, he said softly to Qin Chuan, "Chuan'er, hurry up and go out to play!"

Qin Chuan nodded and said, "Mm, then I'm going out!"

"Okay!" Qin Chuan ran out of the house like a child, wearing clean pants.

Zhao Ping'er watched Qin Chuan leave, and was about to leave the house too.

After all, the smell in the house was really bad, and she wanted to go out for a breath of fresh air.

However, Mu Chunfang stopped her before she stepped out, "Girl Ping'er, what did you do?"

"Mom, it's okay, I'll go out first..."

"Who said there's nothing wrong?" Mu Chunfang frowned unhappily, and muttered to Ping'er.

"Mother... What else is there?" Zhao Ping'er looked at Mu Chunfang nervously.

"Didn't you see something on the floor in the house? They didn't clean it up either." Mu Chunfang replied displeasedly,
Zhao Pinger stared at the ground, and there was indeed something on the ground, Qin Chuan's poop and dirty pants.

After Zhao Ping'er glanced at it, her stomach continued to churn, and then said to Mu Chunfang, " do you deal with this?"

And it's so disgusting, why should she clean it up?
She married into the Qin family, and she didn't do this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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