Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1103 Zhao Yuner Borrows Money

Chapter 1103 Zhao Yuner Borrows Money
"Girl Zhao Yuner?" Huo Chunhua asked, raising her eyebrows.

Li Cuiying hurriedly nodded and said, "Yes, mother, borrow it from girl Yuner. With so much money in girl Yuner's hand, is it possible that you can borrow some money?"

Huo Chunhua was silent for a while, then looked at Zhao Yuner.

If you can borrow it and return it to Mr. Meng, that is naturally the best way.

But will this girl Zhao Yuner borrow it?

After all, Zhao Yun'er is very stingy, and under normal circumstances she would not be willing to give out money.

Seeing that Li Cuiying and Huo Chunhua's eyes were on her, Zhao Yuner twitched her mouth, feeling a little ridiculous.

It actually hit her mind.

Lending 30 taels of silver to Lao Zhao's family, she was afraid that after the 30 taels of silver were lent out, they would never return.

Zhao Yuner sneered and said, "Second Aunt, what you said is easy, I am not as rich as you said. It is not easy to set up a stall every day to support our family and build a house. 30 taels? Even if I go to steal and rob, I can’t get so much money out!”

After Zhao Yun'er finished speaking, the surrounding villagers began to discuss.

"30 taels of silver is not a small amount, how can you just take it out."

"Yeah, even if you borrow it, you don't know when you can return it to the girl."

"It's really a lion's mouth, and I don't think it's not easy for others."

"Girl Yun'er is now living alone with the entire three rooms, and with such a big house, I think the money in her hand is almost spent, and there is absolutely no savings of 30 taels of silver!"

"I asked someone to borrow 30 taels all at once, who would borrow it? They say that my brothers are still clear about their accounts, so why should I lend them such a large amount of money?"



Listening to the discussions of the people around, the old Zhao family couldn't hold back their face, and they basically stood on Zhao Yun'er's side.

So if Zhao Yuner didn't borrow it, the people in the village would definitely not say anything.

Huo Chunhua herself thought it was impossible, no matter how rich she was, she would never borrow that much.

Li Cuiying became anxious when she heard this.

Others think it's okay, but she's okay!
She didn't want to go to jail instead of Huo Chunfang.

"Girl Yun'er, if you don't have any money, could it be that the elder son doesn't have one? You can ask the elder son to lend it to our old Zhao family!" Li Cuiying said eagerly to Zhao Yuner.

Zhao Yun'er only thought it was ridiculous, once this person got thick-skinned, it would be too scary.It's so embarrassing to say anything.

Zhao Yun'er chuckled, and said to Li Cuiying, "Second aunt, the elder son is the elder son, and I am me, and he will not give me his money. If you want to borrow it, you can ask the elder son to borrow it yourself." , he is willing to lend it to you, I will definitely not say anything."

After hearing this, Li Cuiying curled her lips, feeling very desperate.

She asked Shizi to borrow it too?
It would be strange to lend it to her!
To Zhao Yun'er, she was ashamed to ask, if she came to the Shizi, she probably wouldn't dare to fart, let alone borrow money.

Thinking of this, Li Cuiying became more and more anxious.

How can this be done!She didn't want to really go to jail instead of Huo Chunhua.

Frowning tightly together, thinking about what to do.

After slightly sighing, he turned to Mr. Meng, "Mr. Meng, this matter has nothing to do with me. If you are looking for someone to settle accounts, don't look for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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