Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1111 Agreeing to Marry Mr. Meng

Chapter 1111 Agreeing to Marry Mr. Meng

In addition, she felt that compared with Zhao Jing'er, Zhao Jing'er was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl with a good appearance, and she should marry someone better than Zhao Xinhui.

Zhao Jinger was satisfied with Mr. Zheng's conditions, and Zhao Xinhui should be more satisfied with Mr. Meng's conditions.

After all, Zhao Xinhui is old, she is an old girl, not more popular than other young girls.

"Mother..." After hearing Huo Chunhua's words, Zhao Xinhui pursed her lips and said something to Huo Chunhua.

She doesn't want it in her heart!
After all, Mr. Meng looks really shabby.

She thought in her heart that the person she would marry in the future should be like Mu Lianfeng.

Not only rich and powerful, but also very handsome.

Only such a man is worthy of her.

As for Mr. Meng...

Isn't being with him exactly like a flower stuck in cow dung?
Of course she is a flower, and Mr. Meng is cow dung.

Seeing Zhao Xinhui looking at him, Mr. Meng sang Zhao Xinhui's wretched smile again, showing a row of big yellow teeth, which made Zhao Xinhui feel sick.

Zhao Xinhui frowned, feeling very reluctant in her heart.

Huo Chunfang knew what Zhao Xinhui was thinking, so she quickly pulled Zhao Xinhui aside, and whispered into Zhao Xinhui's ear, "Girl Huier, you have to think clearly, in fact, I think it's pretty good. If you marry into Mr. Meng’s house, you will be able to eat delicious food every day, and you may eat meat every day! How about being a concubine? Didn’t girl Jing’er eagerly want to be someone else’s concubine before? ?
Mr. Meng's conditions are much better than Mr. Zheng's. Looking back, I might give you a lot of beautiful jewelry and clothes!It's definitely better than marrying an ordinary person.

Also, if you don't want to, you have to enter the Yamen, and then you will have to suffer!Both your father and I are incompetent people, so there is absolutely no way to fish you out!But don't let your torment even kill you! "

After what Huo Chunhua said, Zhao Xinhui felt that Huo Chunhua was right.

In fact, now she has no choice but to choose to marry Mr. Meng and be his concubine.

Although Mr. Meng is a little disgusting, it is not unbearable for the good life in the future.

Zhao Xinhui struggled for a while, finally nodded and said, "Mother, that's fine, I'll listen to you!"

Huo Chunhua responded happily, and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief.

After his daughter married Mr. Meng, she didn't have to suffer in prison, so he naturally didn't have to worry about Zhao Xinhui's situation.

In addition, if Zhao Xinhui has a good life in the future, she, a mother, can definitely enjoy happiness with Zhao Xinhui.

If Zhao Xinhui brought back some good things from time to time, wouldn't she have a wonderful life.

Zhao Baoshan stood aside, did not say a word, and did not object to this matter.

In fact, compared to Zhao Xinhui entering the Yamen, Zhao Xinhui marrying Mr. Meng is the best choice.

It just so happened that her girl was growing up too, so it wasn't appropriate to stay at home all the time.

When they went to find a marriage for her, they might not be able to find a more suitable candidate than Mr. Meng.

Why don't you just take advantage of this time and marry Zhao Xinhui off by the way.

In the future, without this girl making noise at home, Old Zhao's house will be much more peaceful.

As for the rest of the old Zhao's family, they don't have any opinions.

Da Fang felt that it had nothing to do with them in the first place.

(End of this chapter)

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