Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1160 The Young Emperor

Chapter 1160 The Young Emperor

"Mom, of course you have to wear it, what if you don't wear it."

"Then girl Ping'er didn't borrow it, where did you get the wedding dress?" Huo Chunhua continued to ask.

"Mom, I have my own way, don't worry, I will definitely let her lend it to me obediently later!" Zhao Xinhui said, why there was a hint of calculation here.

She didn't believe that he couldn't deal with a Zhao Ping'er.


Zhao Yun'er returned to her house after lunch.

Mu Lianfeng ate from the mountain by himself today and did not come back.

Zhao Yun'er originally planned to send him some food, but Mu Lianfeng refused.

However, in the afternoon, Mu Lianfeng came back from the mountain.

Mu Lianfeng and Zhao Yun'er cleaned the pots, then walked over, squatted down beside Zhao Yun'er, and then said to Zhao Yuner, "Yun'er, let me help you wash it together!"

"No, I'll do it by myself, just rinse it with clean water, it's no trouble!"

Mu Lianfeng looked at the dozen or so earthen pots in the basin, which were about the size of a bowl, but they were quite delicate and beautiful, so he asked Zhao Yuner, "What are these for?"

"It's packed with tea leaves! Isn't it pretty?"

As Zhao Yun'er said, she picked up the cleaned jar from the basin and put it in the sun to dry.

When the earthen jars are dry, they can be filled with tea leaves.

What Zhao Yun'er returned was only a few samples, and the others were being produced in the shop.

Today the shopkeeper showed these samples to her, and Zhao Yun'er thought they were very good, so she asked the shopkeeper to make all the remaining ceramic jars.

After glancing at it, Mu Lianfeng nodded with a smile, "It's pretty. Yun'er, you're really smart. After playing around like this, you'll definitely be able to fetch a good price."

Zhao Yuner chuckled lightly.

Thinking about going to the county magistrate's mansion today, he turned to Mu Lianfeng and asked, "Mu Lianfeng, how old is the emperor of our Great Zhou Kingdom this year?"

When Zhao Yuner suddenly asked, Mu Lianfeng was slightly taken aback, and looked at Zhao Yuner with some doubts, "So why are you asking this?"

"Nothing, I'm just curious, just ask a casual question."

Mu Lianfeng didn't think much about it, so he said to Zhao Yun'er, "Actually, the emperor of our Great Zhou Kingdom is not very old, he is the same age as me. The two of us often played together when we were young..."

As Mu Lianfeng spoke, his expression was in a daze for a moment, as if he remembered something.

Zhao Yun'er heard, "Ah~".

Mu Lianfeng asked, "Yun'er, what's the matter?"

Zhao Yuner smiled, "It's nothing, I'm just curious, the emperor of our Great Zhou Kingdom is really young, he's only in his 20s."

Mu Lianfeng laughed lightly, "It's nothing. Could it be that the emperor isn't young anymore?"

Zhao Yun'er twitched her lips, "That's not true, it's just that I thought the emperor was an old man, who knew he was so young."

Zhao Yuner felt that she was a little preconceived and watched too many TV shows.

In the TV series she watched, basically the emperor was very old.

The kind that looks sophisticated.

But after Mu Lianfeng said this, Zhao Yun'er thought of Mr. Huang again, "This Mr. Huang...isn't his age right?"

Seeing Zhao Yun'er's thoughtful expression, Mu Lianfeng said, "Yun'er, why are you so curious about the emperor's age?"

"Haha, it's nothing, I just asked a casual question."

(End of this chapter)

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