Chapter 1168 What If You Lose Money

Mu Chunfang's heart was full, and she looked at Zhao Ping'er with a bit of disgust in her eyes!

What bad luck!
If Zhao Yun'er's breakfast stall had been smashed earlier, she wouldn't have let Zhao Ping'er pass by. It's too late to say anything about it now.

Mu Chunfang gave Zhao Ping'er a hard look, and nearly kicked Zhao Ping'er out of the house.

Zhao Ping'er felt a little baffled, and said to Mu Chunfang, "Mom, I don't have to make up if my natal family doesn't get subsidies. We can make money!"

Mu Chunfang looked at Zhao Ping'er puzzled and said, "Make money? I said girl Ping'er, are you dreaming? How can this money be so easy to earn?"

Zhao Ping'er smiled and said, "Mom, I don't know why you are so sad when you heard that my mother's breakfast stall was smashed up, it's actually a good thing!

That early stall was set up by my sister, and most of the money was taken away by my sister!Now being smashed by someone, someone must have offended someone, and we can't put it on for a while, but we can put it on!

At that time, let's rent a stall and sell breakfast like my sister, and we will definitely make money!
Mother, I have asked my mother to teach me how to make breakfast, the taste is the same as theirs, their business can be good, can't ours be good? "

After Zhao Pinger finished speaking, Mu Chunfang rolled her eyes, feeling that what Zhao Pinger said made some sense.

"Girl Ping'er, is what you said true?" Mu Chunfang asked hastily.

"Of course it's true! Mother, if we also set up a stall, we will surely earn a lot of money! Then our Qin family's life will be easier!" Zhao Ping'er said triumphantly.

Mu Chunfang thought about it. When he went to Yangcheng, he went to see the business of Zhao Yuner's early stall.

It can be said that the breakfast business at Zhao Yuner's stall is very hot.At least one tael of silver a day.

If their business was the same as that, no, half of it would be very profitable.

The Qin family is living in poverty now, and they desperately want to get rich and improve their lives, so for them, this time is indeed an opportunity.

Seeing Mu Chunfang's thoughtful face, Zhao Ping'er seemed to be moved, so she hurriedly continued, "Mom, when we set up a stall and earn money, we can eat meat every day, and it's also OK. Build a big house instead of being crowded in a small house like now.

When we become well-to-do households in the village, everyone will come over to curry favor with us! "

After Zhao Pinger finished speaking, Mu Chunfang's heart was really moved, and she said to Zhao Pinger, "That's okay, girl Pinger, let's set up an early stall too!"

"Hmm! But mother..."

"What's the matter, girl Ping'er?"

"Mother, we need capital to set up an early stall. When the time comes, we will rent the stall and it will be all money! But I don't have it in my hand. Can you take out my dowry..."

When it came to Zhao Pinger's dowry, Mu Chunfang frowned, looking unhappy.

"What? Bring out your dowry?"

"Yes, mother, if you want to make money, you have to invest capital. Without capital, how can we make money?" Zhao Ping'er continued to persuade, for fear that Mu Chunfang would disagree.

"Then if we don't make any money and lose our money, how will our Qin family live? No, we have to think clearly, whether we can get the money or not!" Mu Chunfang struggled for a while, and said to Zhao Ping'er, what was on her mind? I'm a little worried.

(End of this chapter)

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