Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1210 To Zhao Yuner 8 Articles

第1210章 给赵芸儿八百文

"Even the elders, there are a lot of 66 papers. Mother, the gift money is equal. I give you as much as you give me. Unless you give more willingly, what right do others have to say more! "

After Zhao Yun'er finished speaking, Liang Jinqiao sighed a few more times. "I can't help it. I can't argue with your grandma. It's a matter of tens of pennies. Let's give more!"

The corner of Zhao Yun'er's mouth twitched, she didn't know how to say that Liang Jinqiao was fine.

As a cheap mother, she still has this kind of bun personality.

She couldn't make Liang Jinqiao change for a while.

Just when Zhao Yun'er was distressed and was thinking about how to get back the money Liang Jinqiao wasted from Huo Chunhua, Huo Chunhua jumped into the kitchen of Sanfang.

Seeing Huo Chunhua come in, Zhao Yuner asked indifferently, "Grandma, what are you doing here? Such a big happy event, why do you have time to come to my house?"

Huo Chunhua's expression was very ugly, and she felt that Zhao Yun'er's attitude and words made her dislike it.But in order to ask Zhao Yuner to help, he still said to Zhao Yuner, "Girl Yuner, are you busy right now? Can I discuss something with you?"

The corner of Zhao Yun'er's mouth curled into a smile, discussing something with her?That must be nothing good.

So holding the spatula, he continued to cook, and said to Huo Chunhua, "Grandma, didn't you see it? I'm cooking, I'm busy, I don't have time, just tell me if you have anything to do!"

Huo Chunhua's expression became even uglier.

This damn girl... really pissed her off!
Huo Chunhua naturally knew that Zhao Yuner said this on purpose, but she had to pull the corners of her mouth and begged Zhao Yuner with a smile, "Girl Yuner, it's like this. Your sister-in-law got married and held a banquet, but the cook suddenly left because of something. Grandma will come over and ask you if you can help me cook a banquet..."

As Huo Chunhua spoke, he couldn't help but glance at Zhao Yuner to see Zhao Yuner's reaction.

After hearing this, Zhao Yuner felt a little puzzled.

The cook is gone?

This is really interesting!Zhao Yun'er could imagine by moving her toes, something must have happened to Huo Chunhua.

Zhao Yun'er pulled out a smile, and said back to Huo Chunhua, "Grandma, didn't you tell me about this before? Did I make it very clear?"

Huo Chunhua's expression froze for a moment, she naturally knew what Zhao Yuner was talking about.

What Zhao Yun'er meant was that if she didn't give the money, she wouldn't come over to help the old Zhao's family cook.

Now that Chef Zhou is gone, if Zhao Yuner doesn't cook, the banquet at home will really be impossible.

"Girl Yun'er... how long can your cooking last? Why don't you go over and help after the cooking is over? In this way, we have almost prepared things for you. I will give you [-] Wen, right? [-] Wen is not counted." Less!" Huo Chunhua said to Zhao Yun'er after thinking about it for a while.

In her heart, she planned not to spend a penny and let Zhao Yuner go to help for nothing, but in this situation, she definitely couldn't.

Give Zhao Yuner [-] Wen as it is for Chef Zhou.

Zhao Yun'er just thought it was ridiculous, and directly chased Huo Chunhua away, "Grandma, you can find someone else with [-] Wen! I won't take this job!"

Huo Chunhua was in a hurry, "You girl, I can't even give you money! What do you mean!"

Zhao Yun'er snorted coldly, "Grandma, if you sincerely ask me to make a banquet for you, will you give me [-] Wen?"

(End of this chapter)

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