Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1233 Defiled

Chapter 1233 Defiled
After all, what women care about most is their own reputation.Even if he was bullied by other men, he definitely didn't want many people to know.Otherwise, the reputation will be bad, especially for girls who have not left the court. If this happens, it will be very difficult to find relatives in the future.

Sure enough, after Liu San finished speaking, Ma Xiaofeng immediately calmed down a lot.

Ma Xiaofeng was very terrified in her heart. If people knew that she had been tricked by Liu San, it would be impossible for her to marry Zhao Tianan.Even if it is to find a man with poor conditions, it will be difficult.

"Hey, little beauty, so be good!"

As Liu San said, the movements of his hands went too far, and he galloped directly on Ma Xiaofeng's body.

Ma Xiaofeng felt a strange feeling, besides the pain, there was also humiliation.

If what happened today was discovered by accident, how would she behave?

Liu San hadn't been with a woman for a while, but this time he was able to vent suddenly, and Liu San felt very comfortable.

Quickly dealt with Ma Xiaofeng, Liu San picked up his trousers and left.

Only Ma Xiaofeng was left lying on the ground with disheveled clothes.

After lying down for a few minutes, Ma Xiaofeng responded calmly, and hurriedly packed her clothes so that no one could see her.

Being bitten by a dog has become a fact, and there is no way to change it. The only thing I can do now is not to be discovered by others, so as not to affect her.

Not long after Ma Xiaofeng got dressed and was about to leave, Zhao Tianan and Mu Xin came over together.

Zhao Tianan was slightly taken aback when he saw that it was not Liang Jinqiao but Ma Xiaofeng that he saw on the hill after he came over.

Then he asked, "Xiaofeng, have you seen my mother?"

Ma Xiaofeng quickly shook his head, ""

"Then have you seen my mother before?"

"I think I've seen it before... Maybe I'm leaving..." Ma Xiaofeng stammered back.

At this moment, Ma Xiaofeng's heart was both happy and puzzled.

Fortunately, Zhao Tianan didn't come here earlier, otherwise, if he found out that Liu San had done that to her, there would be no possibility between her and Zhao Tianan.

Even if he is not a virgin now, he can use tricks to deceive Zhao Tianan at that time.

What puzzled him was why Zhao Tianan came here now, and he still looked normal, so it must be tight that he wasn't drugged.

Suddenly seeing Mu Xin behind Zhao Tianan and the flush on Mu Xin's face, Ma Xiaofeng immediately guessed that Zhao Tianan used Mu Xin to cure the medicine?
In other words, between Mu Xin and Zhao Tianan...

Ma Xiaofeng had an indescribable feeling, if her guess was true, then wouldn't she have made a wedding dress for Mu Xin, and also set herself up for nothing?

"Then it looks like my mother has gone back..." Zhao Tianan muttered.

After all, he had delayed for such a long time, Liang Jinqiao couldn't have waited for him for so long, and it was normal to go back now.

"Ann, shall we go back and have a look?" Mu Xin stood beside Zhao Tianan and asked Zhao Tianan in a low voice.

Zhao Tianan responded, "Okay."

Seeing Zhao Tianan turn around, without the slightest nostalgia for him in his eyes, Ma Xiaofeng's heart couldn't help but ache.

Zhao Tianan... really doesn't care about her at all?

She made him innocent, but he didn't take it seriously at all, even though Zhao Tianan didn't know about it...

The backs of Zhao Tianan and Mu Xin disappeared from Ma Xiaofeng's sight after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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