Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1245 To Steal

Chapter 1245 To Steal
It's probably the first time I did that, I'm not feeling well, and I'm resting right now.

Zhao Yuner glanced at Mu Xin, afraid that Mu Xin would be embarrassed.

"Xinxin, is it still hurting?" Mulan stepped forward and asked with concern.

Hearing Mulan's voice, Mu Xin shyly said, "Sister, I'm fine!"

"It's normal to feel pain for the first time, and later sister will boil some hot water for you and wash it off!"

Mu Xin responded, still shy, not knowing how to respond to Mulan.

Facing Mulan's straightforwardness, Zhao Yun'er curled her lips and said to Mulan, "Sister-in-law Mulan, don't chase after this matter, otherwise Mu Xin will be very embarrassed, just say no!"

"Look at my head, I can't think of this level, hey, it's all my fault, Xinxin, you should rest well, sister is going to work!" Mulan thought of leaving the room quickly, so that Mu Xin could be quiet.

Hearing that Mulan said that she was going to work, Muxin hurriedly jumped up from the bed, wanting to help Mulan.

"Sister, let me go too!"

"No, no, no, Xinxin, you just need to rest, anyway, there is nothing small, I can do it by myself!"

"Sister..." Mu Xin's cheeks flushed slightly.

"I told you to rest, so you should rest, don't push me with my sister!"

Mu Xin sighed, "Okay, sister, if you encounter any difficulties, you have to talk to me."

"I know I know!"

Zhao Yun'er didn't stay at Mulan's house for too long, but went back first.

The clothes she took out of the shower haven't been washed yet. She will wash them later so as not to save them until tomorrow.


Ma Xiaofeng was like Mu Xin, it was the first time someone teased her, and her lower body hurt badly.

Liu San was not gentle at all, he didn't pay attention when doing it, and his lower body moved a lot, so Ma Xiaofeng's lower body was slightly injured.

At this moment, I feel that my things are a little swollen and painful, and it is uncomfortable.

However, there was nothing she could do, and she couldn't talk about it.

Even her mother, that can't be said, if it is said, her mother will not only not care about her, but will scold her to death!

Ma Xiaofeng returned home with a painful body, and when he got to the yard of his house, he found that the door of his house was tightly closed.

However, when he got closer, he heard a moan coming from inside.

Ma Xiaofeng leaned closer and listened, it was from her mother.

It's not like Ma Xiaofeng hadn't encountered this before, so he knew exactly what the people inside were doing now.

Sighing slightly in my heart, her mother is doing nasty things with Zhao Wenshui again, there is really nothing she can do about her mother, and she can't say it.

In broad daylight, if someone comes to the door and hears the movement in his house, they must not gossip and spray their family to death.

The house was closed, and Ma Xiaofeng couldn't get in, so he had to wait in the yard.

When his mother and Zhao Wenshui are done, she will go in again.

In the room, Zhao Wenshui was panting and doing that with Qian Chunxiu.

After finishing the solution comfortably, Qian Chunxiu told Zhao Wenshui, "I said Zhao Wenshui, you have to remember what you promised me. If it doesn't work this time, don't even think about looking for me again in the future!"

Zhao Wenshui responded immediately, "Don't worry, since you agreed, you will definitely do it! I'll tell my mother when I get back, it's probably not okay, but I will steal it at night, and I will send it to you if I steal it. You have to give me some time, it won't be done until night!"

Qian Chunxiu responded, "Okay, I'll give you a day, and if you keep bluffing, I won't let you go!"

(End of this chapter)

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