Chapter 1434
There were a lot of people in the medical center, Xu Zhaodi was a special case, so the doctors also took it seriously, so that Xu Zhaodi didn't have to queue up to pass.

"Go inside quickly."

"Go inside, what's going on here?"

Seeing this situation, the doctors also frowned.

Liang Jinfen knelt down in front of the doctor with a puff, and said to the doctor, "Doctor, please save my daughter, there must be nothing wrong."

The doctor pulled Liang Jinfen, "Okay, get up, don't kneel, kneeling doesn't help much, I'll go and have a look, don't miss my business."

Liang Jinfen had no choice but to nod, and waited anxiously outside, rubbing her hands together, for fear that something might happen to Xu Zhaodi.

Apart from really caring about her daughter, Liang Jinfen was worried that if something happened to Xu Zhaodi, she would have a bad life in the future.

After all, I can only rely on such a girl now, and I want Xu Zhaodi to support me when I get old.

She didn't have a son, but luckily her daughter married a relatively wealthy family.If her daughter is gone, who can she rely on in the future?
Zhao Yun'er also withdrew from the inside and handed Xu Zhaodi to the doctor.

After all, she is not a doctor and can do nothing.She sent Xu Zhaodi here, and she has done everything she can.

Seeing that Zhao Yuner and Mulan had withdrawn, Liang Jinfen pulled Zhao Yuner and muttered again, "Hey, girl Yuner, is it okay for my family to recruit a younger brother? Will there be any problems?"

Zhao Yun'er didn't know how to answer Liang Jinfen.

Twitching the corners of her mouth, she replied, "Second Aunt, I don't know if there is any problem, just wait. The doctor says it's all right!"

Liang Jinfen was a little unhappy, frowned and said, "I said girl Yun'er, how can you say that.

You brought my recruit brother here, you have to be responsible.

You don't even know if a doctor can do it, but if my younger brother is safe, why send him here? "

After Liang Jinfen said this, Zhao Yuner also became angry.

Who the hell is this!
She was kind enough to help, but instead she was taken advantage of by others. It is estimated that a scoundrel like Liang Jinfen is rare.

"Second aunt, you are really interesting. Now the blame is on my head, that's good, let's send him back.

However, the ugly words are up front, if something happens to my cousin, don't look for me.Don't regret it either! "Zhao Yun'er said coldly.

Liang Jinfen was intimidated by Zhao Yuner's aura.

She knew very well that if she continued to lie on the ground, she would be waiting for death. Here, she still had a chance.

It's better to just wait now and see if Xu Zhaodi is okay.When something really happened, just go to Zhao Yun'er outside.

The two were waiting outside, and from time to time a woman's cry of pain came from inside.

It belongs to Xu Zhaodi.

Liang Jinfen probed anxiously, but was blocked from going in, and there was nothing she could do.

Liang Jinfen couldn't sit still, and walked around the room, clasping her hands together, muttering, "God bless, God bless! Please don't let anything happen to my family's younger brother."

"Brother Zhao, you have to hold on! Mom can't lose you!"

"Recruit brother, recruit brother! Hey, mother is so anxious to die!"



Seeing Liang Jinfen nagging, Zhao Yuner was really upset.

When will her second aunt be able to calm down.

Liang Jinfen wandered around, wandered around and wandered back to Zhao Yun'er, and asked Zhao Yun'er worriedly, "Yun'er, will there be no accidents when I recruit my younger brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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