Chapter 1453
"Haha..." Zhao Yun'er couldn't help laughing again.

Mu Lianfeng had a bitter face, now he's healed, his body was soaked with urine and he had to wash it well.

After Zhao Yun'er finished laughing, she said to Mu Lianfeng, "I'll boil some water for you, take a bath, change your clothes, and wash them for you later."

Mu Lianfeng nodded and said, "Okay!"

Although it is the child's urine, but the weather is very hot, if you don't change your clothes and wash them, you will soon have a smell on your body.

As for the milk doll, Zhao Yun'er was going to wipe her ass.

With Mu Lianfeng's lesson this time, Zhao Yun'er knew that she had to get some diapers for this child.Otherwise, it will be easy to urinate when you hold it on your body later, and you are sleeping on the bed. If you urinate on the bed, the smell will probably be stronger.At that time, the sheets have to be replaced and cleaned, which is troublesome.

I still have some tattered clothes at home, just cut a few pieces of cloth and use them as diapers.

It's a pity that there were no diapers in ancient times, otherwise it would be convenient to use and not afraid of children peeing.

After peeing, the milk doll fell asleep after being coaxed by Zhao Yuner a few times.

After putting the baby back on the bed, Zhao Yun'er took out a torn dress and put it under the baby's buttocks.

Then quickly cut a few diapers, and washed them together with Mu Lianfeng's clothes later.

The diapers are ready to use after drying.

Zhao Yun'er went to boil a pot of hot water first, then asked Mu Lianfeng to take a bath, and after helping the baby wipe her buttocks, she carried her clothes and went to the river.

The women by the river were discussing together, and the news that Zhao Yun'er had returned with a milk baby spread throughout the village.They were all discussing where did this milk doll come from, and what was it for?

After hearing these women's boring gossip, Zhao Yun'er was a little speechless. They were really curious about what was going on!
"I said girl Yun'er, if someone brings a boy back to raise, it's better for you to bring back a loser!"

"That's right! Girl Yun'er, if you want to raise money-losing goods, there are plenty of them in our village, and I have them at home. Why don't I give you one. Follow you to eat and drink well, and live a good life."

"Yeah, girl Yun'er, my family also has one. In my wife's stomach, you have given birth to three baby girls this year. If this baby is a baby girl again, why don't you take it back and help me raise it?"

"Girl Yun'er, you said that you are still very young, and you are with the son of the world. How nice to have a baby by yourself, why are you raising someone else's daughter?"



Faced with these women's gossiping inquiries, Zhao Yun'er twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "This is my business, I can raise whoever I like!
She will be my daughter from now on, don't let you talk nonsense, if I hear someone gossip later, see if I don't tear her mouth apart! "

After Zhao Yun'er gave a menacing warning, the woman who was still gossip suddenly stopped talking.

If Zhao Yun'er gets playful, anyone who sees her will be terrified.

It's a big deal for them not to say it in person, but they still want to discuss it behind their backs.

Anyway, Zhao Yun'er's behavior was foolish in their eyes.

The country people have never helped other people raise daughters, unless they are raising children and daughters-in-law.

However, if Doudou is the son of the eldest son, is he afraid that he will not be able to marry a wife in the future?There is no need to raise it now!
Zhao Yun'er walked back with the wooden basin in which she had washed her clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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