Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1489 Mu Lianfeng Washes Diapers

Chapter 1489 Mu Lianfeng Washes Diapers
At this time, some mosquitoes began to have Doudou and Tiantian, and the two milk dolls fell asleep, and there was no way to resist.Zhao Yuner found that Doudou and Tiantian had been bitten several times by mosquitoes.

Especially Tiantian, the newborn baby is pink and tender, and the skin is more sensitive. After the mosquito bites, the bitten part of the face becomes swollen and a big bump looks distressing.

Going on like this is not an option, she has to find something to repel mosquitoes.

Zhao Yuner remembers that when she was a child, she lived in her grandfather's house in the countryside.Sometimes my grandfather’s house ran out of mosquito coils, so he would go to the ditch next to the paddy field to pick wild candles, and then use these wild candles to repel mosquitoes.

The effect of this wild candle is no worse than that of mosquito coils. Anyway, she fell asleep in the smoked room and no mosquitoes bit her.

She thought that there were wild candles like this in Shuilan Village, but she never noticed it.Waiting for tomorrow, I will go to the fields to search for it, and pick it back when I see it, so that I will not be tired when I sleep at night.

"Yun'er, why don't you go to bed first, put on the quilt, and I'll fan you, so you won't be hot, just wait until you fall asleep." Mu Lianfeng said softly.

How could Zhao Yuner be ashamed, she wanted to sleep, so Mu Lianfeng would naturally sleep too.

Zhao Yun'er felt sorry for keeping Mu Lianfeng awake for her sake.

So he said, "It's okay, just stay overnight and tomorrow will be fine. I'll bring back some wild candles tomorrow, so there won't be so many mosquitoes."

"It's okay, Yun'er, you go to sleep first, and I'll sleep after you fall asleep. I just fell asleep, and I'm not sleepy anyway."


"Good, go to sleep!"

Mu Lianfeng pushed Zhao Yuner down on the bed, covered Zhao Yuner with a quilt, and then fanned her with a fan.

A gust of cool wind hit her, and she immediately felt much refreshed, probably because she was very sleepy, and before she knew it, Zhao Yun'er fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Zhao Yuner woke up, Doudou and Tiantian also woke up.

After feeding the baby, Zhao Yuner went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

When he came out, he found Mu Lianfeng washing things in the tub.

Zhao Yun'er came over to take a look, and saw that Mu Lianfeng was washing Tiantian's diaper.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yuner's heart couldn't help trembling.

Mu Lianfeng is a big man, and he can help wash diapers!This is really rare for a man of this era, even a man of Mu Lianfeng's status.

If possible, I really want to present an award for a peerless good man to Mu Lianfeng.

"Are you washing Tiantian's diaper?"

"Huh! Wash it early and dry it in the sun, so Tiantian will have a diaper change!"

Zhao Yuner nodded, this is true, if you don't wash it earlier, there will be so many diapers, not enough.

Seeing Zhao Yuner smiling, Mu Lianfeng asked, "What's wrong, Yuner?"

"It's okay, um... I just feel that you are a little different from men in this era."

Mu Lianfeng was puzzled, "What's the difference?"

"There are so many different places! The best thing is that you don't have male chauvinism. Even in the 21st century, it is probably hard to find a good man."

Mu Lianfeng smiled helplessly, he really didn't understand what Zhao Yuner said was too modern.

But guess, Zhao Yun'er should be praising him.

After Mu Lianfeng washed the diapers in the tub twice, he got up and dried them on the clothes pole.

Zhao Yun'er made breakfast, and invited Mu Lianfeng to come over to eat with her.

White rice porridge with side dishes is also delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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