Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1555 Xiao Hei rushed out

Chapter 1555 Xiao Hei rushed out

The house at home was almost finished, and the men who went to work couldn't eat a few meals at her house, so she burned a big rooster for them to eat, and counted it as a treat in the last days.

In addition, Zhao Ping'er is pregnant, so she has to eat breakfast and dinner, so it's better to kill her now, so that even the men who go to work can have a meal together.

"That's fine, girl Ping'er, if you can catch the big cock, I'll cook it for you!"

Zhao Pinger smiled and said, "Mom, I knew you loved me the most. I'll rest for a while and go catch the cock later. I'm so tired now!"

If it weren't for that stupid donkey in her family, she wouldn't be so tired.

"That's all right, you just rest! Do you want to drink some water? Mom will bring it to you?"


Liang Jinqiao turned around and went into the house. In addition to pouring a glass of water, he brought out a stool so that she could continue washing clothes and something to sit on.

Zhao Ping'er took the water, "cuckoo" a few times, then swallowed the water into her stomach, wiped her mouth after drinking, and looked refreshed.

"Mother, who is this child?" Zhao Ping'er asked Tian Tian after glancing at a baby in the shaker.

Seeing that Zhao Pinger was curious, Liang Jinqiao introduced with a smile, "Pinger is Yuner's daughter, your little niece, and you are her aunt!"

Zhao Pinger frowned, looking very confused.After her lips trembled, Zhao Ping'er couldn't help but asked Liang Jinqiao, " didn't make a mistake, did you? This is Zhao Yun'er's daughter?"


"Mother... how come Yun'er is pregnant and can give birth to a child so quickly? My stomach can't give birth to a child so quickly?

When I saw her before, her belly was still flat, but in a blink of an eye, the child is so big? "

Zhao Ping'er's dumbfounded expression made Liang Jinqiao couldn't help laughing, "Girl Ping'er, who said that Yun'er gave birth to this child, this child was adopted by Yun'er."

"What do you do raising a loser? Zhao Yun'er is really stupid. Mother, what are you talking about other children, why are you serving them with shit and piss?"

Liang Jinqiao twitched the corners of his mouth, "You can't say that... This child is very good, and Yun'er is good at raising a girl!"

Zhao Pinger snorted softly, very disdainful, "Anyway, if it were me, I wouldn't raise other people's seeds. It would be nice to have one myself!"

Liang Jinqiao didn't say anything more, knowing that Zhao Ping'er had a big mouth, so naturally she wouldn't reveal Tiantian's true identity.

"Girl Ping'er, then you rest first, mother goes to do the laundry!"

Zhao Pinger waved her hand, "Mom, you go!"


Zhao Pinger sat resting on the stool, Tiantian just woke up at this time, staring at Zhao Pinger with a pair of big watery eyes.

Seeing such a pink and tender milk doll, Zhao Pinger suddenly felt very cute again.

I thought it would be great if she could be so cute after giving birth to a daughter.

Her hands were itchy, and Zhao Ping'er wanted to reach out and hug Tiantian in the cradle.

However, before Zhao Ping'er got closer, a big black dog rushed over and barked at her a few times.

Zhao Pinger took a few steps back in fright, and saw clearly the black dog barking at her.

This black dog is Xiao Hei from Zhao Yuner's family.

But the current Xiao Hei is different from the previous Xiao Hei.Now the child is much bigger and has become a big dog.

Zhao Ping'er and Xiao Hei looked at each other, Xiao Hei bared her sharp fangs, and barked again at Zhao Ping'er.

(End of this chapter)

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