Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1577 No Account

Chapter 1577 No Account

Zhao Ping'er is injured now, and her body is very weak, even if she speaks aloud, it is very difficult.

After hearing Zhao Pinger's call, Liang Jinqiao hurriedly responded.

"Girl Ping'er, what's the matter?"

"Mother, is Zhao Yun'er back? Hurry up and let her come in for me, and give me a proper explanation!"

Liang Jinqiao frowned, hurriedly responded, and then said to Zhao Yuner, " you want to go in and have a word with girl Pinger?"

Zhao Yun'er found it very ironic, so she asked for an explanation?What can she explain?
This matter is obviously Zhao Pinger's fault, so should she apologize or compensate her?

Or hand over Xiao Hei and let Zhao Ping'er deal with it?
These are all impossible!

Zhao Yun'er herself is a protector, since Xiao Hei is her dog, no one else can touch Xiao Hei's hair.

So Zhao Yun'er replied to Liang Jinqiao lightly, "Mother, what do you want me to say to Sister Ping'er?"

"Say... say..." Liang Jinqiao also stuttered when asked by Zhao Yuner, not knowing how to answer Zhao Yuner.

Zhao Yun'er hooked the corners of her mouth and chuckled, "Mother, since I have nothing to say, then I won't go in."

Liang Jinqiao was a little anxious for a while, Zhao Ping'er's condition, she couldn't get angry, the more Zhao Yun'er didn't go in, she didn't explain anything, Zhao Ping'er would become more noisy, and it would be bad if her injuries got worse.

Zhao Yuner ignored Liang Jinqiao, but amused Tiantian.

Because of the adequate nutrition, the child's face became more and more fleshy every day, making him look like a doll.

Seeing Zhao Yuner come in for a long time, Zhao Pinger urged impatiently.

Liang Jinqiao sighed and entered the third-bedroom house.

After hearing Liang Jinqiao's words, Zhao Ping'er got up from the bed angrily.

"Mom, if that bitch doesn't come in, I'll go out and argue with her."

Liang Jinqiao hurriedly stopped Zhao Ping'er, "Okay, okay, girl Ping'er, your injuries are still serious, so don't make a fuss.

Listen to my mother's words, let's forget about this matter, anyway, there is nothing to reason about, after all, Xiao Hei is a dog, what the dog does can't blame it, animals don't understand human nature, we can't care about animals, you say no ? "

Zhao Ping'er shook her head, "Mother, what you said is wrong, that dog in Zhao Ping'er's family is so inhumane, it's smarter than humans, it just wanted to bite me and make me like this .

Anyway, I must have skinned that dead dog and ate its flesh. "

"But you're seriously injured now, why don't you talk to Yun'er after you've recovered from your injury, why don't you take a good rest now?"

"No! Mom, I have to go now! Look, is Zhao Yun'er going too far? I was injured so badly that I almost couldn't keep the baby in my stomach. Could it be that I'm not as good as a dog?

Why is she doing this to me?Even if she was arguing in front of Li, it was her fault! "

Liang Jinqiao was very tired. No matter what she said or did now, she would not please her two daughters.

Zhao Pinger was so persistent, Liang Jinqiao had no choice but to let Zhao Pinger go.

"Okay, okay, girl Ping'er, even if you want to go out, you have to slow down, don't hurt yourself."

"Understood!" Zhao Ping'er replied impatiently, and then slowly walked out of the house.

When he walked up to Zhao Yuner, he put his hands on his hips and began to argue with Zhao Yuner.

(End of this chapter)

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