Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1589 Adventure

Chapter 1589 Adventure
Seeing that ferocious appearance, people couldn't help being frightened, and chills rose from the bottom of their hearts.

This is what happens when people face dangerous animals.Even if he tried his best to control himself, he was still afraid.

Mu Lianfeng wanted to make a move, but Zhao Yun'er grabbed him.

"What do you want to do? Kill that tiger?" Zhao Yun'er whispered into Mu Lianfeng's ear.

Mu Lianfeng hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes! If you don't seize and remove it today, I'm afraid you won't have a chance in the future."

Mu Lianfeng expressed his concerns, this time the white tiger escaped, and it might not be so easy to lure it out again.

In case the white tiger disappears for a while and doesn't reappear, when everyone relaxes their vigilance and doesn't know how many lives will be lost, Mu Lianfeng dare not gamble with lives.

Zhao Yun'er also didn't dare to gamble with Mu Lianfeng's life.

The last time he was able to kill the white tiger, it was not easy to escape the danger. This time he may not have such good luck.

"Mulianfeng, this time the white tiger is more dangerous than the last time, are you sure you can handle it?" Zhao Yuner frowned, feeling a little worried.

The two of them looked at each other, and their eyes touched, and Mu Lianfeng's eyes suddenly became more tender.

Staring at Zhao Yun'er with scorching eyes, she then planted a kiss on Zhao Yun'er's forehead, and said softly, "Yun'er, whoever will go to hell if I don't, since the emperor entrusted me with this matter, then I will I have to be responsible, if a few lives are sacrificed, I am afraid that I will not be able to explain to the emperor.

So this time, we can only avoid future troubles forever, this white tiger has to be dealt with, and it can't let it continue to hurt people. "

After hearing what Mu Lianfeng said, Zhao Yun'er knew that Mu Lianfeng had Mu Lianfeng's reasons.From her own point of view, she did not want Mu Lianfeng to take risks out of selfishness, but Mu Lianfeng's position was out of righteousness and for the safety of others.

Isn't the reason why she likes Mu Lianfeng because of the righteous spirit in Mu Lianfeng?

Zhao Yun'er hesitated for a while, but nodded in agreement with Mu Lianfeng, and said, "Be careful!"

"it is good!"

Mu Lianfeng stepped down from the tree lightly, and slowly walked towards Baihu.

The white tiger originally wanted to bite the pig, but when he heard the slightest movement, he immediately became vigilant. In the dark night, the tiger's eyes were shining brightly.

When Mu Lianfeng approached the white tiger, he kept his voice down as much as possible so as not to disturb the white tiger.

It's a pity that this bastard is very shrewd, watching the direction Mu Lianfeng walked vigilantly.

Every time Mu Lianfeng took a step forward, cold sweat broke out on his back, and Zhao Yun'er, who was hiding in the tree, felt his heart tighten even more.

Fearing that the white tiger would become agitated, he directly put Mu Lianfeng on the ground.

Mu Lianfeng felt that he had to make a quick decision and take down Baihu as soon as possible. If he waited for Baihu to react and either ran away or rushed towards him, then he would be at a disadvantage and his life might be in danger.

Pulling out the dagger from his sleeve, Mu Lianfeng rushed out.

Baihu noticed Mu Lianfeng's movement, and the deafening whistling sound came back again, shaking people's hearts with lingering fear.

This king of the forest is the king of the forest, and even a roar can scare people away.

Mu Lianfeng's body trembled uncontrollably, but the dagger did not retract, and continued to stab at Baihu's body.

"Roar~" The tiger's roar became louder, and there was some pain in the cry.

(End of this chapter)

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