Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1610 A good meal at home

Chapter 1610 Have a good meal before going home

Hearing Zhao Pinger's words, Liang Jinqiao frowned.

I did promise Zhao Ping'er before that I would kill a big rooster for her and fry it up.

It's just that Zhao Ping'er was bitten by Xiao Hei that time, something happened, and then nothing happened.

During these days, I never thought of killing a chicken for Zhao Pinger to eat.

Now Zhao Pinger actually brought it up again...

Liang Jinqiao was silent for a while, unwilling.Thinking about what happened to Zhao Pinger today, she was still a little angry.

This girl, it's best not to be too nice to her!
Zhao Pinger continued to look at Liang Jinqiao eagerly, and said softly to Liang Jinqiao, "Mother, I have to leave tomorrow, so don't bother with me. When I go back to my in-law's house, I won't have these good things to eat." , I must be thinking about our family’s food. Before I leave, can’t you satisfy me, mother?”

Liang Jinqiao didn't say a word, Zhao Ping'er pulled Liang Jinqiao again and said, " can't go back on what you promised me!"

Seeing Zhao Pinger entangled herself like this, Liang Jinqiao felt a little helpless, knowing that if Zhao Pinger couldn't eat, she would probably have to make a fuss again.

Thinking that Zhao Ping'er can leave tomorrow, this big rooster will act as Zhao Ping'er.When Zhao Pinger returned to her husband's house, she would definitely not have anything good to eat, and her life would be miserable.

Liang Jinqiao sighed, and said, "Alright, girl Ping'er, tomorrow Mother will catch a big cock for you to eat!"

"Mom, isn't our house going to have a chicken banquet tomorrow? Why do you eat a big rooster if you have something else to eat?"

Liang Jinqiao frowned, and said to Zhao Pinger, "Then girl Pinger, what do you mean? If you don't eat the rooster tomorrow, you will leave. What chance do you have?"

Zhao Ping'er licked the corner of her mouth, and replied with a smile, "Mom, why don't you just eat today, because there is nothing good to eat today!"

Because the few men who went to work all finished their work and went back.

When the working men are here, Sanfang always has to prepare some good dishes to attract them. When these working men leave, Sanfang naturally doesn't need to prepare such a sumptuous meal.

At noon, I just prepared some food casually, and the quality of the food suddenly dropped a lot.Zhao Pinger missed that when the working man was around, at least he could eat well every day and live a happy life.

Thinking of all kinds of delicious dishes, Zhao Ping'er felt her mouth watering, and then couldn't help swallowing.

Liang Jinqiao said, "Girl Ping'er, how could it be possible to roast a big rooster today? I put the chicken out in the morning, where can I catch the chicken and roast it?"

"Mom, I'll go back and look for it later. If I find him, I can catch him and burn him?"

"Can you catch it?"

"Mother, if I can't catch it, I won't eat it. If I catch it, you can cook it for me at night, okay?"

"That's fine. If you can catch it, I'll make it for you to eat at night. If you can't catch it, I'll talk about it later."

"to make!"

Zhao Ping'er complied, and when she thought of the meaty smell of the big braised rooster, she became even more greedy.

Even if you go home, it's a good thing to have a good meal before you go home. Otherwise, when you go back, thinking of the Qin family's food, Zhao Ping'er will stay at the old Zhao's house again.

It's been a difficult time, and she didn't even go to Yangcheng to earn money. She is not in good health, and Ma Xiaofeng has to recuperate at home. After both of them recover from their injuries, they can go to Yangcheng to set up a stall to sell breakfast.

Without any income, the Qin family is definitely dissatisfied with her, so they will not serve her.

(End of this chapter)

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