Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1623 Filial piety to the Mu family

Chapter 1623 Filial piety to the Mu family

"You you you..." Mrs. Mu was too angry to speak.

I feel that what Mulan said is outrageous, but there is no way to refute it.After all, what they did was indeed wrong.

The matter of selling a daughter has been talked about by the people in the village for a long time, and it is a stain on the Mu family.

However, Mrs. Mu knew that without this method, there was no way to make money, so she didn't have the capital to marry Mu Dade back with a wife.

At this time, Mu Dade came over and grabbed the old lady Mu and said, "Okay, mother, don't argue with Lan'er, it's not a big deal, maybe you really didn't see us."

Zhao Yun'er raised her head and glanced at Mu Dade, feeling that Mu Dade had a bit of conscience in saying this.

Mu Dade is about 40 years old, very thin, but tall like a bamboo pole.

He doesn't look slick, he is the kind of honest person.

Such a person is probably a mother boy, and he will do whatever his mother says.

Mrs. Mu probably did all the work of selling Mu Xin and getting him a wife.

At first glance, Mrs. Mu seemed to be the master of the house on weekdays, and she had to listen to her temper in everything, and she was used to being strong.

After hearing Mu Dade's words, Mrs. Mu turned her head and glared at Mu Dade, "Are you still talking for this dead girl?"


"You still say no! What's so precious about a girl! How can she be used to protect her." Old lady Mu murmured.

"..." Mu Dade looked at Mulan apologetically, but didn't continue talking.

"Father, grandma! It's okay, I'm leaving first, I have to go home and get busy!" When Mulan faced Mu Dade and Mu Granny, she was very upset and didn't want to continue entanglement.

When we go back, we don't have to face Mu Dade, Mrs. Mu, so naturally we don't have to worry about it so much.

Granny Mu still stopped Mulan and said, "Why are you going back in such a hurry? What's your business?"

Seeing the vegetables and meat bought in Mulan's basket, the old lady Mu frowned, her expression very solemn.

"Hey, my eldest granddaughter is getting rich now. It's not a Chinese New Year holiday, but she even buys meat!"

Seeing the old lady Mu staring at the basket in her hand, Mulan quickly hid the basket behind her back, and said indifferently to the old lady Mu, "Grandma, don't you have a good life too? Didn't you also prepare the basket in front of the meat stall just now?" buy meat?"

The corner of Old Madam Mu's mouth twitched, "We are still reluctant to buy it, even if we want to buy it, it won't be like you, weighing a catty all at once!"

"..." Mulan didn't even know how to say that Mrs. Mu came, she was just buying a catty of meat, and in the eyes of Mrs. Mu, she seemed to be a shameful event.

"Okay, mother, don't talk about it, I think Lan'er will only buy a meal of meat for a long time, and go back to make up for the children in the family. What's there to say?" Mrs. Mu advised.

The old lady Mu snorted softly, "I know, I know, but Dade, I think you are living a good life now, and you can only come here to buy meat if you have money in your hand. The five taels of silver back then was also worth it. I just took it out, and since life is good, I haven’t seen this girl buy something to be filial to you, raising her so big for nothing!”

The old lady Mu said this in front of Mulan, because she wanted Mulan to send some things to Mu's house.

(End of this chapter)

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