Farming with cute babies

Chapter 177 Can't bear it anymore

Chapter 177 Can't bear it anymore

After making an appointment with these children, they really didn't go back and tell their families.

A few more children were added, and more bullfrogs were sent to Sun Chang's family every day.

Zhao Yun'er also knew that it would not be a long-term solution to catch bullfrogs in the village all the time.

Let’s not talk about this matter. People in the village will definitely know about it in the future. Even if they don’t know, if they catch bullfrogs for a long time, there will be fewer and fewer bullfrogs, and it will also affect the ecosystem.

It is best to go to the nearby villages and towns to catch them.She can adopt the method of acquisition, let other people help to grab and sell them to her, weigh them uniformly and give the price, and resell them to Sun Changquan herself, which can be regarded as earning the difference.

Zhao Yun'er took the wooden basin and went to the river.

There are not many people by the river, only some women who wash vegetables and prepare to cook.

It was not very late at this time, and some country people ate late at night.Especially in families with few hands, in addition to men going to the fields, women also have to go to the fields to work.

When Zhao Yun'er passed by, she started to wash clothes.

At night, there was a wind blowing by the river, and it was chilly, and the cold water for washing clothes made my hands icy cold.

She washed well by herself, she could vaguely hear the discussion of the women behind her, but she didn't pay attention.

But slowly found that something was wrong, she seemed to hear her own name.

Discussing her?

What are you talking about her for?
She stayed at home well, and nothing happened these days.Why are you talking about her again?
Zhao Yun'er was about to finish washing, and when she was about to get up, a big stone was thrown from behind, and a lot of water splashed immediately, and the water splashed on Zhao Yun'er's face for a while.

Zhao Yuner's face sank.

She is not a fool, so she naturally knew that it was thrown on purpose.

Throwing the clothes in her hand into the tub, Zhao Yun'er stood up, looking coldly at the women behind her.

"who is it?"

Zhao Yuner asked in a cold voice, but Zhao Yuner was very aggressive, but no woman responded to Zhao Yuner, instead she laughed and laughed even louder.I was very happy to see Zhao Yun'er suffer.

Zhao Yun'er's eyes suddenly turned cold, not to mention yes, it's very good!

That means they are working together and bullying her together.

Zhao Yun'er picked up the stone on the ground and threw it into the water in front of the women, splashing a layer of water, which wet the women's clothes, the situation was even worse than Zhao Yun'er.

It was not confirmed who threw it, and she might be unfair to those who didn't throw it, but obviously, some people didn't do anything, but they did participate in it, so there is no need for her to show mercy.

If a real tiger doesn't show its power, it will treat her as a sick cat.

Originally, Zhao Yun'er didn't want to cause trouble, so she didn't care about some trivial matters. When she was a policeman, she was used to it.

Thinking that if you forgive them once, these people will realize it and will not commit the crime again next time.

After all, Zhao Yuner underestimated the quality of this countryman.

They are like shit that can't be shaken off. They can bully you once, but they will go too far next time.

Grandma, she can't bear it anymore.

In this world, there are really people who bully the soft and fear the hard. Only when they get tough, no one will dare to bully them.

After these women were covered in water by Zhao Yuner, they stood up angrily, and ran to Zhao Yuner to argue.

(End of this chapter)

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