Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1827 I don't know how to be ashamed

Chapter 1827 I don't know how to be ashamed

As Ma Xiaofeng said, he stretched out his hand, smelled it, and then showed a nauseous gesture.

"Hey, I can't smell it. I feel like I can't have these hands after smelling it!" Ma Xiaofeng sighed, "If this continues, the pigs that have been washed for a while will still have to smell this smell from a long distance away. Son?"

"Then there's nothing to do, Xiaofeng, your hand smells, and mine smells too!" Zhao Ping'er said, bringing her hand to Ma Xiaofeng.

Ma Xiaofeng smelled a strong smell of pig offal.

Frowning involuntarily, Ma Xiaofeng asked Zhao Ping'er, "Sister Ping'er, don't you wash your hands well every time you wash your pigs?"

"It must have been washed, and I rubbed it with clean water several times, but the smell just can't be removed, and there's nothing I can do about it." Zhao Ping'er muttered.

"Sister Ping'er, rubbing with clean water is not enough, you have to rub it well with soap locust solution. You smell it, the smell on my hands is much weaker than yours!"

Zhao Ping'er went over to sniff it, and found that it was much lighter, "It seems to be Ao, Xiaofeng, your hands don't seem to be so smelly."

"It's still stinky. Washing so much every day is exhausting. If it sells too much, how can I finish it? If my mother didn't help me every day, I probably only need to wash a little bit."

However, Qin Yuan rolled his eyes and said, "If we can buy more pig offal, we don't have to do it ourselves, can we hire someone to wash the pig offal for us and pay a little per day? Can we have three Forty Wen's wages, I don't believe that no one in the village is rushing to do it!"

Reminded by Qin Yuan, Zhao Ping and Ma Xiaofeng felt the same way.

There is no need to do such a hard and tiring job as washing pigs into the water by yourself. It costs [-] Wen, and many women in the village will squeeze their heads to help clean it.

After all, it is not easy to earn thirty Wen in the village.

Even if a man goes to work in the town and is exhausted all day, he may not be able to earn thirty cents.

"Brother Yuan, when we turn our pigs into the water, don't wash them yourself, just ask someone to wash them for us.

Hey, my hands are smelly after washing, I feel like vomiting! "

Qin Yuan gave Zhao Ping'er a blank look, "You obviously just want to be lazy, why are you talking so much?"

Zhao Ping'er muttered aggrievedly, "Brother Yuan...why are you like this...I'm really tired from being busy here and there every day..."

"Okay, okay, if you want to hire someone to wash it, you can hire someone to wash it. It's really disgusting to have stinky hands." Qin Yuan frowned in disgust.

After all, he still had to live with Zhao Ping, and he could smell this smell when he got close to Zhao Ping'er, which was indeed a bit unpleasant.

If someone is hired, at least Zhao Pinger won't have to smoke him in the future, that's fine.

Qin Yuan's actions fell into Zhao Ping'er's eyes, but he thought Qin Yuan was caring for her, with a happy expression on his face, and said to Qin Yuan, "Brother Yuan, you are so kind!"

Zhao Ping'er didn't think much of it when she said that, she was ashamed in front of others, and leaned her head on Qin Yuan's shoulder, looking affectionate.

After Ma Xiaofeng saw it, she complained in her heart that Zhao Ping'er was really shameless, at least she was a big girl, and she didn't need to show her affection in public.

Qin Yuan pushed Zhao Pinger's head away in disgust.Said to Zhao Ping'er, "What are you doing, you're not ashamed in front of Xiaofeng, really..."

(End of this chapter)

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