Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1854 Debris Flow

Chapter 1854 Debris Flow

Looking at the posture, it has been raining heavily for the past few days, and it is estimated that the rice seedlings in the field have been covered by water.

If this continues, this year's harvest will definitely not be very good.

However, farmers depend on the rice in the fields to make a living, and if there is no harvest, how many people may starve to death.

Zhao Wenhua stared at the pouring rain outside, sighed, and said, "Hey, this rain must never stop, or something will happen!"

"Yun'er's father, don't worry too much, we can't stop it from raining!"

"Hey... that's right! I can't help it, I just can't help worrying!"

Zhao Yuner held Tiantian in her arms. In fact, she didn't like rainy days very much. Rain always gave people a very depressing feeling.

And it was wet inside and outside the house, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Although the weather should be cooler, the next rain will cool down, there is no need for it to continue like this.

After a few more days, although the rain was a little lighter, it didn't seem to stop.

What shocked Zhao Yun'er's family was that a mudslide almost formed on the back mountain, washing away her family.

This was not anticipated when the foundation was chosen.

Zhao Yuner hurriedly dealt with the whole family, and opened a ditch at the back of the house, so as to allow drainage. Otherwise, if this happens again, I'm afraid I'll die, and I won't be able to sleep well at night.

But when the ravine was being opened, Zhao Yun'er, Mu Lianfeng, Zhao Wenhua, and Zhao Tian'an were all drenched by the rain. After soaking in the rain for a day, they were all icy cold after the ravine was finally completed.

Zhao Yun'er couldn't help sneezing after a while, obviously catching a cold.

Liang Jinqiao hurriedly boiled a large pot of hot water to bathe several members of the family. After soaking in a hot bath, Zhao Yuner's cold body recovered a little bit of warmth.

Thinking about how hot the past few days were and she had to wrap herself in a quilt to keep warm, Zhao Yuner couldn't help lamenting that the weather was unpredictable.

It is thought that the weather in the 21st century is changing rapidly, but it turns out that the weather in ancient times is also the same.

Seeing Zhao Yun'er sneezing uncontrollably, Mu Lianfeng said with some distress, "Yun'er, why don't you ask auntie to cook some ginger soup for you, it can warm you up!"

Zhao Yuner thought about it and felt that it was indeed possible.

Except that she had to drink some ginger soup to warm her body, the rest of the family had to drink some more.


"Then I'll let my aunt cook it!"

"it is good!"

After a while, Mu Lianfeng brought over a bowl, which contained ginger soup.

Mu Lianfeng walked up to Zhao Yuner, picked up a spoon, and handed the ginger soup to Zhao Yuner's mouth, "Come on, Yuner, drink it!"

Zhao Yun'er always felt that the posture in front of her was weird, how sweet is it that Mu Lianfeng is so considerate!
"I... I'll drink it myself..." Zhao Yun'er blushed slightly.

"Why didn't you let me feed it?" Mu Lianfeng was a little puzzled.

Zhao Yun'er showed a hint of embarrassment, "It's too ambiguous... How embarrassing for people to see it, I'd better do it myself and drink faster!"

With a smile on Mu Lianfeng's lips, he handed the bowl to Zhao Yun'er helplessly.

"Yun'er, we will be husband and wife from now on, so what if someone sees us?"

Zhao Yun'er said with a straight face, "That's not okay either!"

"Okay, I'll follow you!" Mu Lianfeng looked at Zhao Yuner with loving eyes.

It feels so good to be by her side and take care of her at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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