Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1865 Sent the kitten

Chapter 1865 Sent the kitten

Zhao Yuner shrugged her shoulders and replied, "It's okay!"

A bitter smile emerged from the corner of Mulan's mouth.

Although they are still somewhat annoyed by the Zhu family, since they built a new house and moved out from the Zhu family, their life has become better and better.

Now that there is no chatter from the Zhu family, the house is much quieter.

After Zhao Yuner and Mulan returned home, they soaked the zong leaves and glutinous rice in the water.

The zong leaves have to be cleaned with a brush a few times, and the glutinous rice has to be soaked for a while to make the zongzi taste good.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhao Yuner also got bacon from home and cut it into small pieces.At that time, just put a slice inside a zongzi.

This is her favorite salted meat dumpling. Besides, she made some candied dates and mung beans separately.

Because the Dragon Boat Festival was coming soon, Mrs. Liang was also in a good mood.

Although my legs and feet are a bit inconvenient now, I can do these small tasks.

Making zongzi is Mrs. Liang's specialty.

For so many years, every year when Liang's family eats rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival, they are all wrapped by Mrs. Liang's hands.

After arriving at Zhao Yuner's house, Mrs. Liang's daily life was well taken care of by Zhao Yuner's family.

Mrs. Liang didn't have the chance to intervene even if she wanted to intervene in many tasks.

Now it's finally up to her to come in handy, so Mrs. Liang is a little eager to try.

"Girl, I have to make a few zongzi today, so don't stop me.

This is not a rough job, I can do the tiring work! " Mrs. Liang said with a straight face, it seems that once Liang Jinqiao refuses, Mrs. Liang will be angry with her.

Liang Jinqiao smiled helplessly and said, "Okay, mother, let's make this zongzi together as a family!"

Only then did Mrs. Liang nodded in satisfaction, "Well, it's not too bad!"

At noon, the whole family ate a light meal, which was not bad. Zhao Yuner made a dish of pork belly, and the family ate an extra bowl of rice than usual.

I don't know if it's because he is tall, so he likes to eat oil. Zhao Tian'an directly poured all the oil from the bottom of the bowl of pork belly into the bowl, mixed it into the rice, and ate it with gusto.

Zhao Yuner is used to living in the 21st century, and prefers to eat rapeseed oil instead of animal oil on weekdays.

Eating too much animal oil can easily lead to hyperlipidemia. In the eyes of modern people, it is better to eat less.

But for the ancient people, they didn't consume much oil and water on weekdays, and they did very tiring rough work every day. If they didn't eat some animal oil, they would appear to have no energy.

Zhao Wenhua also liked to eat animal oil, but he gave Zhao Tianan the oil god in the pork belly bowl.

After eating, the glutinous rice is almost soaked, and we can start to make zongzi.

At this time, a person came to Zhao Yuner's house.

"Sister-in-law three, are you home?" It was Zhao Yun'er's cousin Zhao Ping who had been related for several generations.

Liang Jinqiao hurriedly responded, "Here we are!"

After saying that, Liang Jinqiao left the house, and Zhao Yuner followed.

"What's the matter?" Liang Jinqiao asked, thinking that Zhao Ping came here to ask him for something.

Zhao Ping explained, "Sister-in-law three, last time you told me that you wanted to raise a cat. My cat gave birth to a litter of cubs more than half a month ago, and now I have caught one for you!"

As he spoke, Zhao Ping handed the kitten in his hand to Liang Jinqiao.

The half-month-old kitten is very small, just like a mouse.

(End of this chapter)

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