Chapter 1870

Zhao Yun'er wanted to laugh when she saw this scene.

It's the same as what parents say to older children when they have a second child in the 21st century.

Doudou is only a three-year-old child who can say these words, so the little head is still extremely smart, right?

After hearing Doudou's words, Xiao Hei licked Doudou's little finger and whimpered a few times.

"Hey! Xiao Hua will accompany Xiao Hei in the future, you must be very happy together!" Doudou said with a smile.

Zhao Yun'er thought that cats and dogs can't get along well under normal circumstances, but there are not exceptions.

From now on, she has both dogs and cats in her family, and she hopes that the cats and dogs can be more harmonious, so as not to cause troubles.

"Okay, Doudou, let Xiaohua sleep for a while, she needs to rest!" Zhao Yuner reminded.

"Good mother!" Doudou replied sweetly.

Seeing Doudou playing wildly outside, Zhao Yuner came back with a basin of cold water and washed Doudou's hands first.

Touching animals such as kittens and puppies is the easiest way to breed bacteria, and children like to put their hands in their mouths.

In the afternoon, Zhao Yuner started making zongzi with her family.

As for making zongzi, Zhao Yuner is not good at it. When she was in the 21st century, her mother made the zongzi well on weekdays.

Every Dragon Boat Festival, the zongzi at home can’t be eaten at all. In addition to the ones made by myself, some relatives will give some.So she didn't have to spend that effort to make zongzi at all.

Compared with the big zong leaves bought back in the 21st century, the zong leaves bought by Zhao Yuner's family this time are much smaller.

Zhao Yun'er saw that Mrs. Liang stacked the two leaves very skillfully, then bent them into an arc, and stuffed the glutinous rice into it.

Zhao Yuner followed Granny Liang's example and wrapped the zongzi. Although she could wrap the zongzi, it was a pity that compared to Mrs. Liang, the zongzi she made was a bit ugly.

She definitely can't give away the bag, keep it for home to eat, because it is really hard to get it out.

Candied dates and bacon dumplings were opened separately, and Zhao Yuner tied a red string to mark it.

Later, she will eat salted meat dumplings, as for other rice dumplings, whoever likes to eat can take whichever one.

After a while, Zhao Yuner's basket was filled with zongzi.

Zhao Yun'er counted and found that there were quite a lot of bags, there were more than 200 of them.

Although it is small, it is not a lot.

Zhao Ping had to send twenty of them over so that he could try something new.

Liang Jinqiao and Zhao Wenhua had discussed with her before that Zhao Baoshan and Huo Chunhua had to send some over.

Although they have separated, Zhao Baoshan and Huo Chunhua are Zhao Wenhua's parents after all, and they should be filial during the Chinese New Year.

As for the uncles...

She was going to give some to the second and fourth rooms, but everyone in the other rooms gave it away, but it was really not good to leave one big room behind, so she just gave some away.

But I can't send too much, there are at most fifteen zongzi in a room, and there are only a hundred or so zongzi left, which is estimated to be enough for a family of so many people.

Zongzi is not like other things, it can be preserved for a period of time without spoiling.

Unlike other things that are left for so many days, they will definitely break.

"Haha, the three of us made more than 200 zongzi together, and it didn't take long to make them!" Mrs. Liang smiled with satisfaction on her face.

Zhao Yun'er flattered her, "Grandma is the best, she made so many bags by herself! And the bags are the best!"

The smile on Mrs. Liang's face got wider, and she finally found a little value for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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