Farming with cute babies

Chapter 1886 Caught the Old Turtle

Chapter 1886 Caught the Old Turtle
Zhao Baoshan said indifferently, "What should I do? What can I do? Just do it like that, it's okay! Anyway, I didn't get married before, and I didn't expect to get married at that time. Now I can go back to my mother's house and live for the rest of my life!
Besides, the family used to be poor, so I probably didn't have the money to support girl Hui'er, but now the money that girl Hui'er brought back from Huang's house is enough for us to live a life of wealth, so there's nothing to worry about! "

Huo Chunhua felt that Zhao Baoshan's words were somewhat reasonable, mainly because Zhao Xinhui was married at that time, and Mr. Huang was such a rich man, everyone in the village was envious of her!To let people know that Zhao Xinhui married not long ago, but was driven back to her mother's house again. I don't know how many people in the village would laugh at her!
She is also a good-looking person, and she can't stand others laughing at her and talking sarcasticly to her, and when she thinks about that feeling, her heart will feel so congested.

"Hey..." Huo Chunhua sighed heavily, looking very uncomfortable.

Zhao Baoshan couldn't bear Huo Chunhua's virtue, so he put down the cigarette stick, "Don't sigh, it makes people uncomfortable, I don't want to talk to you anymore, go to bed first!"

As Zhao Baoshan said, he took off his clothes and went to bed, then fell into a deep sleep.

Huo Chunhua kept circling those bad emotions in her mind, so that she didn't fall asleep until midnight.

Zhao Yun'er's family has nothing to do during these days, except to take care of the paddy fields.

After many days of rain, the fields were flooded with water, and many seedlings were submerged. I was thinking about watering before, but now I am busy draining water.

However, a lot of good things were obtained during the drainage. After a heavy rain in the paddy fields, the most common ones were loaches, as well as eels, crabs, fish and shrimps, and Zhao Wenshui caught two big turtles.

These things are packed in a small bucket. In the countryside, fish and shrimp are not very good things. Compared with fish, everyone prefers to eat pork. After all, there is no oil in fish, and pork has enough oil.

As for the old turtle, Zhao Wenshui originally planned to catch it back for the two children at home to play with.

No one eats this thing in the country, and the shell is so hard that the country people think it is not edible.It even feels poisonous, so under normal circumstances no one touches it at all.

However, after Zhao Wenshui came back, Zhao Yun'er directly regarded it as a treasure.

It's really interesting to think about ancient people. In the 21st century, people think that things are good, but ancient people are too lazy to eat them.

For example, all kinds of wild vegetables, in the 21st century, can’t be bought even if you want to spend money. Only rural people can eat some of those wild vegetables.

As for this kind of wild fish, wild old turtle, it is even more rare.

In the 21st century, most of the products sold in the world have been artificially raised, so they are not comparable to wild ones.

Wild turtles are very nutritious, and the stewed soup is delicious, much more special than pork rib soup and chicken soup.

Now she can stew the old turtle and make up for Liang Jinqiao and his family.

It is also very beneficial for elderly people like Mrs. Liang to eat!
Seeing the turtle that Zhao Yuner wanted to eat, Zhao Wenhua asked with a puzzled expression, "Girl Yuner, do you think this thing is really edible? How can you eat such a big shell?"

Apart from being puzzled, Zhao Wenshui was more shocked. At least he had lived for decades without seeing anyone eat it!

(End of this chapter)

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